How To Approach Home Maintenance With A Focus On Well-Being


29 February 2024

Home & Garden

Home Maintenance

We all know, at least by intuition, that having our living spaces clean is important – and not just because of the visual appeal of it. Then, what are the main reasons why it’s so crucial for our lives? Sure, the look of a clean home, the convenience of finding things in their place, habits it helps us foster, and the sense of obligation – especially if you live with other people, all of them play their part. But, there’s something that really makes house cleaning vital: the link between it and our physical and mental well-being.

So, what aspects of health are we talking about here, and how exactly does keeping your home in shape make a difference? According to Hire A Maid and their team of seasoned experts in house cleaning, there are a few main health-related considerations that connect to the state of our living spaces. We’ll discuss them below, and then explain how to approach home maintenance with a focus on well-being.

What Are The Approaches Of Home Maintenance With A Focus On Well-Being

What Are The Approaches Of Home Maintenance With A Focus On Well-Being

There are a lot of approaches to home maintenance with a focus on well-being. In this case these approaches are quite suitable and feasible in terms of keeping your health nice and up to the mark. Below I am going to discuss the approaches of home maintenance with a focus on well-being. 

1) Germs & Contaminants

This one is pretty straightforward: cleaner space means fewer germs and other contaminants. Your goal shouldn’t be to live in a completely sterile bubble, it’s more the means to lower the chance of illness by keeping those pesky germs at bay, especially during flu season. 

To that end, you should regularly wipe and disinfect surfaces throughout your home and give extra attention to the high-touch ones. It’s a tried and tested way to keep yourself and your family safe. 

And don’t forget the kitchen and bathroom, where a combination of moisture and food particles creates ideal conditions for pathogens to thrive. To make sure all of these areas are regularly addressed, it’s best to craft a realistic cleaning routine – one that’s easy to stick to but still addresses all microbe-prone surfaces regularly. 

2) Allergens & Air Quality

Allergies are a common issue, one that many people unfortunately have to deal with even in the safety of their own homes. Allergy symptoms may be somewhat unpredictable, but luckily, it’s possible to lessen their grip on your day-to-day life. It’s quite simple really: regular cleaning reduces the amount of allergens the same way it reduces the number of germs. 

Dust is a common culprit for triggering reactions, along with dust mites. And even if you and your family members don’t suffer from allergies, dust and dust mites can irritate almost anyone. 

To reduce the amount of irritant particles and improve the quality of air in your home, focus on dusting regularly and efficiently, use a high-quality vacuum, and tackle upholstery, carpets, and bedding whenever possible.

3) Order & Stress Levels

Aside from being an eyesore, clutter can crowd your mind as much as your space. The hassle of moving around through the mess, a decrease in productivity – these are just some of the ways in which clutter and neglected cleaning tasks can add to your stress levels. 

Before you know it, it becomes a loop where the sight of the mess and the dread of having to address it feed into each other, making you feel increasingly overwhelmed. 

Tackling clutter is about reclaiming peace as much as it’s about reclaiming your space. Start small – a drawer, a shelf, a corner, and work your way through the home. If possible, rely on others for help, whether it’s family members or hiring a cleaning professional. Once everything is in order, brainstorm ways to keep clutter from creeping back in.

The ripple effects of a clean home on our well-being are extensive. Improved sleep, heightened concentration, and a general sense of wellbeing are all byproducts of a space that breathes cleanliness and order. Furthermore, the discipline and habits cultivated through regular home maintenance can translate into other areas of life, promoting a lifestyle that values mindfulness, health, and balance.

What Are The Monthly Home Maintenance Checklists?

What Are The Monthly Home Maintenance Checklists_

While this is about a monthly home maintenance checklist, preserving the property’s condition is essential. Below, I am going to discuss the monthly home maintenance checklists. 

1) Cleaning HVAC Filters 

While this is about adequately installed HVAC filters, this will help you breathe easily in your home. This further ensures that your cooling and heating systems will also work efficiently. 

2) Test Smoke Alarms 

Always ensure that smoke detectors are functional in the home. This is a key feature for early detection in handling several other safety hazards. On the other hand, you must replace such batteries every six months to keep consistent and reliable operations. 

3) Clearing Drains and Sinks 

Always ensure that you are regularly clearing sinks and drains. These will prevent the inconvenience and chaos of several other clogs. 

4) Examining Electrical Cords 

Always examine several electrical cords. In this case, you must inspect the cables for frayed wires, or else you will lose the connections, which would prevent the electrical hazard. 

5) Lubricating Door Locks and Hinges 

Always lubricate the door hinges and locks to prevent doors from further squeaking. This ensures the smoother operations of several other locks. 

6) Cleaning Gutters And Downspouts 

After regularly purging the blockages and water damage, you might get a flawless water service across the entire washroom. 

7) Checking Plumbing For Leaks

Always ask the plumber to detect leaks as early as possible. This will save and prevent money along with extensive damage. Ensure you check the shower heads, plumbing, and faucets for such leaking to avoid headaches. It takes work to handle this kind of service, especially every season. 

What Are The Four Types Of Maintenance Strategies That You Must Know? 

What are the four types of maintenance strategies that you must know_

Did you know that predictive maintenance is about rapidly gaining and sparked by several other advancements across the IIoT? Below, I will discuss four types of maintenance strategies you must know. 

1) Reactive Maintenance 

After all, reactive maintenance is quite simple as it can fix several other things they usually break. Since repairs still need to be planned. Ultimately, this is a suitable method in which you can employ equipment that is optional for operations. Or else this has a low cost. 

2) Preventive Maintenance 

Another one of the most suitable approaches, which entails periodically pausing the operation of assets, is preventive maintenance. One of the main objectives of this maintenance is to enhance the lifespan of assets. 

3) Reliability Centered Maintenance

After all, reliability-centered reliability-centered maintenance acknowledges equipment failure, which is not always unpredictable. This delves deep in terms of analyzing each equipment’s potential failure patterns. This is also applicable to craft a tailored maintenance plan. 

4) Predictive Maintenance

Did you know that predictive maintenance is a vibration of analyzing a sensor that might warn of an impending malfunction? This prompts inspection, and this would also be feasible for timely repair.

In Conclusion

It’s clear that the benefits of regular home maintenance go beyond the surface. Fighting off germs, clearing the air from allergens, reducing stress levels – the impact on well-being is undeniable. It’s all about including mindful cleaning habits into your life, for the sake of your and your family’s well-being. So, embrace these tasks, rely on a routine, don’t hesitate to ask for help tackling them, and enjoy a living space in which you can thrive.

I hope you liked this article!

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Ankita Tripathy loves to write about food and the Hallyu Wave in particular. During her free time, she enjoys looking at the sky or reading books while sipping a cup of hot coffee. Her favourite niches are food, music, lifestyle, travel, and Korean Pop music and drama.

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Home Decor

Best 5 Designer Secrets to Make the Most of Small Spaces

Small spaces can be a test to embellish. The wrong shading can make a room cramped, a lot of furniture can feel like a storage room, and the wrong placement of decorative accessories simply feel excessively occupied. Interior decorators are professional in creating illusions in a room.  The way to getting the most out of a little room is boosting each square inch with smart designing. Here are a couple of tips to help you do that. 2. Brightening with Lighting: A small space with poor lighting will feel confined. An appropriately lit room should have three wellsprings of light that skip off dividers and give the room a visual broadness. Light is a standout best approaches to make an illusion of space. For a small region, it's about getting the style and visual effect of the light correctly. Read also: Secrets To The Perfect Bedroom Light In a space with little floor space for a table or floor lights, track lighting can light a room. Another great trap is to utilize mirrors. It will reflect normal light and the light from bulbs and it will make the figment of a more extensive, more profound space. Read also: 5 Perfect Ways To Create Size Illusion In Room With Home Accessories 2. Conceal with Appeal: A small space appears to be smaller and overly cramped if everything necessary or extra is on display. So consider all the covering strategies accessible to you. Furniture with implicit, concealed capacity is justified regardless of the price. A great hideaway ottoman stow away bounty and tuck perfectly under a drifting rack for seating that is there when you require it and off the beaten path when you don't need it. 3. Shading and Patterns: It's very much recorded that pale shades make a room appear to be greater and brighter. Light-shaded dividers are intelligent and this will expand the impacts of characteristic light in the range. Consider utilizing, huge scale floral rose comforters, vertical or even stripes. The straight stripes will outwardly extend a little tight room. Vertical stripes will make a low roof appear to be taller. A little room will open up with the utilization of enormous prints. Keep away from modest prints; they will be excessively occupied and clamorous in a little space. 4. Window Treatment: Windows allow the flow of light but a large portion of them need covering at specific times of the day. Small rooms can be overpowered with elaborated textures of curtains. Pick drapes that let light in and tenderly edge the windows. An elegant style will amicably blend with a divider as compared to outwardly separating the wall. You should hang window treatment high and letting them fall all the way to the floor because it gives the illusion of height. 5. Shelve It Up: When we talk about storage space, the more storage we have better we will space get. You can introduce a handcrafted open and close racking unit to add more storage room because if it's all open, the room will feel messed regardless of how moderate your goals. You can go to a floor-to-roof plan or select only a couple of racks which are truly convenient for putting away books or other decorative items.

how to harvest lemongrass

How TO Harvest Lemongrass: Tips AND Tricks FOR Growing AND Using This Versatile Herb 

Lemongrass is a tropical herb that has a fresh and citrusy flavor and aroma. It is one of the most essential herb that is people widely use in Asian cuisines. They especially use it in Vietnamese, Thai, and Indonesian dishes. It is also a popular ingredient in teas, soups, curries, salads, and marinades. Lemongrass has many health benefits, such as improving digestion, boosting immunity, reducing inflammation, and relieving stress. But did you know that you can grow and harvest your own lemongrass at home? Yes, you can! Lemongrass is easy to grow and maintain, and can thrive in pots, containers, or gardens. You can enjoy fresh and organic lemongrass all year round, and save money and time from buying it at the store. In this article, I will show you how to harvest lemongrass, and share some tips and tricks for growing and using this versatile herb. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of how to harvest lemongrass, and how to make the most of this wonderful herb. So, if that is something that you want to know, I have you covered! Keep on reading this blog till the end to learn more… How to Grow Lemongrass? Lemongrass is a wonderful herb that can add a refreshing and citrusy flavor to your dishes, drinks, and teas. It is also a beautiful ornamental plant that can brighten up your garden with its tall, graceful stalks and fragrant leaves. Lemongrass is native to tropical regions, but you can grow it in cooler climates as well with some care and preparation. Here are the steps and conditions for growing lemongrass successfully at home: 1. Choose a healthy lemongrass plant or stalk You can buy a potted lemongrass plant from a nursery or garden center, or you can start your own from a fresh lemongrass stalk that you can find in most grocery stores or Asian markets. Look for a stalk that is firm, green, and has some roots at the base. Avoid any that are dry, brown, or moldy. 2. Prepare a sunny and warm spot for your lemongrass Lemongrass loves full sun and heat, so choose a location that gets at least six hours of direct sunlight per day. If you live in a colder region, you can grow lemongrass in a container that you can move indoors during the winter. Use a large pot with drainage holes and fill it with rich, loamy soil that is high in organic matter. You can also add some compost, manure, or leaf mold to improve the soil quality and fertility. 3. Plant your lemongrass in the soil If you bought a potted plant, simply transplant it to the ground or a larger container, making sure to bury the roots well and leave some space between the stalks. If you are starting from a stalk, peel off any dead or yellow leaves and trim the top part to about six inches. Place the stalk in a glass of water and keep it in a sunny windowsill until roots start to grow, which can take a few weeks. Then, plant the rooted stalk in the soil, leaving about two inches of the stem above the ground. Space the plants about two feet apart to allow them to spread 4. Water and fertilize your lemongrass regularly Lemongrass needs moist soil to thrive, so water it frequently and deeply, especially during hot and dry periods. A good rule of thumb is to water it once a week or whenever the top inch of the soil feels dry. You can also apply a layer of mulch around the plants to conserve moisture and prevent weeds. Lemongrass also benefits from a monthly dose of liquid organic fertilizer during the growing season, such as fish emulsion or seaweed extract. This will help it grow faster and produce more leaves and stalks. 5. Harvest and enjoy your lemongrass You can start harvesting your lemongrass when the stalks are about a foot tall and half an inch thick. Cut the stalks at the base with a sharp knife or scissors, leaving about two inches of the stem in the ground. Additionally, you can use the whole stalk, or peel off the outer layers and use only the tender inner part. You can also harvest the leaves and use them fresh or dried for teas and infusions. Lemongrass can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, or in the freezer for up to six months. You can also dry it and store it in an airtight container for later use. How to Harvest Lemongrass? Harvesting lemongrass is a simple and satisfying process that can be done in a few steps. Here are the basics of how to harvest lemongrass: Choose the right time  The best time to harvest lemongrass is when the stalks are about 12 inches tall and 0.5 inches thick. This usually happens after 3 to 4 months of planting. You can harvest lemongrass throughout the year, as long as the temperature is above 40°F. You can also harvest lemongrass in batches, leaving some stalks to grow and regenerate. Cut the stalks To harvest lemongrass, you need a sharp knife or scissors, and a clean cutting board. Cut the stalks at the base, as close to the soil as possible. You can cut as many stalks as you need, or as many as you can use within a week. You can also trim off the leaves, as they are not edible and can be used for other purposes. Wash and store the stalks After cutting the stalks, wash them under running water, and pat them dry with a paper towel. You can store the stalks in the refrigerator, wrapped in a damp paper towel, and placed in a plastic bag. They can last for up to a week. You can also freeze the stalks, chopped or whole, in a freezer bag. They can last for up to 6 months. Dividing Lemongrass: What is It and How to Do It? Dividing lemongrass is a great way to propagate and maintain this aromatic and flavorful herb. Lemongrass is a perennial plant that grows in clumps of stalks and leaves. Over time, these clumps can become crowded, woody, and less productive. By dividing lemongrass, you can rejuvenate the plant, increase its yield, and share it with others. Here are the steps and reasons for dividing lemongrass: 1. When to divide lemongrass? The best time to divide lemongrass is in the spring, after the last frost date when the plant is actively growing and has new shoots. You can also divide lemongrass in the fall if you live in a warm winter climate or if you plan to overwinter the divisions indoors. Avoid dividing lemongrass in the summer, when the heat and drought can stress the plant and reduce its survival rate. 2. How to divide lemongrass? To divide lemongrass, you must dig up the entire plant and separate it into smaller sections. You can use a shovel, a sharp knife, or your hands to do this. Each section should have at least one inch of root and several healthy stalks and leaves attached. You can trim the leaves to about six inches to reduce water loss and make the divisions easier to handle. Discard any old, brown, or damaged parts of the plant. 3. Where to plant lemongrass divisions? You can plant lemongrass divisions in the same spot where you dug up the parent plant or in a new location with full sun, moist and well-drained soil, and plenty of organic matter. You can also plant lemongrass divisions in containers at least 10 inches deep with drainage holes. Space the divisions about two feet apart to allow room for growth. Plant the divisions at the same depth as they were before, with the crown just below the soil surface.  4. How to care for lemongrass divisions? Lemongrass divisions need regular water and fertilizer to establish and thrive. Water them deeply and frequently, especially during the first few weeks and during hot and dry periods. You can also apply a layer of mulch around the plants to conserve moisture and prevent weeds. Fertilize the plants once a month with a liquid organic fertilizer, such as fish emulsion or seaweed extract, during the growing season. Protect the plants from frost in the winter by moving them indoors or covering them with a frost cloth. 5. How to harvest and use lemongrass divisions? You can start harvesting lemongrass divisions when they are about a foot tall and half an inch thick. Cut the stalks at the base with a sharp knife or scissors, leaving about two inches of the stem in the ground. You can use the whole stalk, peel off the outer layers, and use only the tender inner part. Additionally, you can also harvest the leaves and use them fresh or dried for teas and infusions. Lemongrass can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks or in the freezer for up to six months. You can also dry it and store it in an airtight container for later use. How to Use Lemongrass in Food? Lemongrass has a long, green stalk with a bulbous base and grassy leaves. It has a lemony taste with a hint of mint and ginger. Lemongrass can be used fresh, dried, or powdered, depending on the recipe and preference. Here are some ways related to how to use lemongrass in different ways: Fresh lemongrass Firstly, fresh lemongrass is the most aromatic and versatile form of lemongrass. You can find it in the produce section of most supermarkets, Asian markets, or online. To prepare fresh lemongrass, you need to peel off the tough outer layers and trim off the root end and the top third of the stalk. You can use a sharp knife or scissors to do this. The part that you want to use is the pale and tender lower part of the stalk. After that, you can slice it thinly, chop it finely, or bruise it with a pestle or the back of a knife. Slicing or chopping is good for salads, stir-fries, curries, and marinades, while bruising is good for soups, stews, and broths. You can also make a paste by pounding or blending lemongrass with other ingredients, such as garlic, ginger, chilies, and cilantro. A paste is great for adding flavor to meats, seafood, tofu, and rice. You can store fresh lemongrass in the refrigerator for up to two weeks or in the freezer for up to six months. Dried lemongrass Secondly, dried lemongrass is less potent than fresh lemongrass but still has a nice, lemony flavor. You can buy it in whole or sliced form or dry your lemongrass by hanging the stalks in a warm and airy place until they are brittle. Dried lemongrass is good for making teas, infusions, and herbal blends. You can also use it to flavor soups, stews, and broths, but you must soak it in hot water for about 20 minutes before adding it to the pot. Additionally, you can store dried lemongrass in an airtight container in a cool, dark place for up to a year. Powdered lemongrass Lastly, powdered lemongrass is the most convenient form of lemongrass, as it does not require any preparation. You can buy it in spice shops, Asian markets, or online. Powdered lemongrass has a mild and sweet flavor and can be used in baking, desserts, sauces, and dressings. You can also sprinkle it over salads, soups, and stir-fries for a touch of freshness. The shelf life of powdered lemongrass is also great. For up to six months, you can store powdered lemongrass in an airtight container in a cool and dark place. How to Use Lemongrass in Other Things? Apart from cooking, you can use lemongrass in many other ways. Some of the best and most popular uses of this herb are as follows: Beautifying You can use lemongrass to make your own beauty products, such as soap, lotion, or shampoo. You can infuse the stalks or the leaves with oil, such as coconut, olive, or almond oil. Moreover, you can also add other ingredients, such as honey, aloe vera, or essential oils. You can use the products to cleanse, moisturize, or scent your skin and hair. Healing You can use lemongrass to treat various ailments, such as headaches, colds, or infections. You can inhale the steam from boiling the stalks or the leaves, or apply the oil to your temples, chest, or throat. Additionally, you can also drink the tea, or gargle with the syrup. You can use the products to relieve pain, inflammation, or congestion. Wrapping It Up! If you want to know how to harvest lemongrass, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other queries about the same, please feel free to let me know. All that you need to do is scroll down till you reach the bottom of the bottom of the page. Then leave your suggestions and comments in the box below. And I will be there to answer them all for you! Learn More About: Everything You Need To Know About Harvesting Basil Asparagus 101: When, How, And How Often To Harvest? How to Harvest Spinach the Right Way: A Step-by-Step Guide

Sober Living

Taking a tour through what Sober Living Entails

More people today are resorting to sober living in their journey back from addiction. Sober living here facilitates your reintegration into society and healthy living typically after drug rehabilitation. This is a kind of therapeutic community where patients in the post-rehabilitation stage heal themselves by living with themselves, sharing their recovery process. Here residents of that specific sober living facility bond, grow and mutually build accountability. This way, one is a watchdog unto the other the same as the other is a watchdog unto him. Sober living involves being domiciled in a reserved community of patients (in similar recovery stages). These people can go to the same work, partake in the same social activities and even go to school together. The sense of communal healing is well emphasized here. More sober living homes are sprouting up today in Dallas, Texas, as our societies struggle with a modern leap in substance abuse. Charity organizations or private institutions operate a number of these sober living homes. In most instances, these homes are well insulated from the buzzing bustle and fast life of the outside world. This healthy segregation gives the patients the required calm, setting, and peace to recover better and more sustainably. Sober living homes are freer: Sober living homes are not typically the same thing as conventional rehab centers. For the latter, there is a lesser volume of autonomy or freedom. Rehab centers operate more intensive cares than sober living homes. In contrast, sober living houses tend to cut the patient lose a bit to recuperate independently. This doesn’t mean Sober Living Dallas TX is free for all party where anything goes. Most of these sober living house institute specific guidelines for which adherence is mandatory for residence in such homes. Staying conditions apply: Many sober living homes require that the patients staying there periodically undergo drug tests to affirm how sober they have been. Others would institute curfew systems that require patients to be home at specific intervals of the day. Violation of these rules comes with varying levels of consequences. This ranges from “community service” within the facility, fines, and even expulsion from the facility. The constitutions of much sober living home differ. Yet, the prevailing emphasis is on abstinence and sobriety. Fundamentally, drugs, and sometimes alcohol is strictly prohibited. There are cases of sober living Dallas TX, where the facility goes as far restricting the type of mouthwash and cooking ingredients residents use. The idea is to reduce the possibility of relapse or unconscious misuse. Nonetheless, sober living homes are far more repressive and are willing to delegate a level of responsibility to the individual. Thus we see that the resident in the facility buy their food, go to work, and even pay their rent. This level of accountability or “maturity” would acceleration their reintegration into responsible living when they finally get back to the bigger society. Real Deal presents one of the best sober living facilities in Dallas. This facility is abundantly stocked with some of the best resources you need to accelerate your recovery process. Well-furnished and boasting workout supplements, personal TVs, and UA/Breathalyzer Testing, Real Deal brings that real“ cool” element to getting healthy again. Read Also: Top 5 Most Expensive Beachfront Homes Arabian Ranches – A Modern Family Living 5 Ways That Ensure That Your Home Is Safe For Living Addiction Treatment: 11 Tips To Find The Best Rehabilitation Center