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Fast-Track Your Career: 7 Things You Should Know About Executive Coaching

What if you could get back double the money you invested? Would that be worthwhile to you? What if it weren't double, but five times what you put in? Very few people would oppose doubling their money. And not a single person would turn down the chance to multiply it by five. Because of this fact, executive coaching has become more popular in recent years. Today, many consider it an essential part of running a business. Just as calling the perfect play in football takes time and work with a coach, so too does running a large company. What other benefits can coaching provide? Here are some things you might not know about the profits it yields. What Coaching Isn't: In the early days of executive coaching, the word coaching wasn't in use yet. Instead, businesses hired counseling executives for managers to have one-on-one time with. These executives filled the role of a psychologist for the management staff. For a time, counseling had exclusive applications to business. Today, a counselor is not a coach anymore. Other words that some people confuse with a coach include therapist, consultant, or mentor. While these all offer advice based on their knowledge, they differ from coaches in how they offer advice. A mentor offers advice based on their experience in similar situations. They may even be grooming a person to move up the ladder. But a mentor will often expect you to follow the advice they offer. A consultant comes at the request of the company. He or she has an area of expertise, and companies pay them to offer advice based on that knowledge. A consultant tells you what to do, but doesn't have a stake in you or your business. At the end of the day, he won't care whether you do it or not. She will get paid either way. A therapist serves any person well. However, a therapist guides a person through a healing process. You grow as a result, but that growth may not help the business. Coaching For Perspectives On Self: Now that there's an understanding of what a coach isn't, an exploration of what one is can be made. Much like a therapist, the coach has an active interest in their coachee. And like the mentor, they want to see growth. Blind Spots: A coach points out blind spots. Everyone has things that they don't, can't, or aren't trained to see. The coach shows these to you. He doesn't show them with the expectation that you will do something. Nor even with the belief that something has to be done. Rather, coaches want to alert you about the existence of these blind spots. Time Management: No one is a stranger to feeling like their time keeps getting away from them. Time might be the most limited resource we have. Coaches see our blind spots when it comes to time management as well. But why is this so important? Understand that others want your job, and it's coaching to the rescue again. Learning how to manage your time better allows you to get more done than you would otherwise. And this area serves as one of the biggest reasons to hire a coach in the first place. This might be where they make back the money invested in a coach. Interpersonal Skills: It is difficult to put this either under business or self-improvement because it benefits both. But with its close relation to blind spots, it will go here. Everyone has the kind of person they like working with or for. The natural tendency is to want to work with similar people. The problem is the abundance of similar weaknesses. Coaches help develop interpersonal skills. And they shine a light on the lack of complementary strengths and weaknesses. Executive Coaching For The Business: Now that you know how an executive coach can help you grow and evolve as a person, you might wonder what he can do for your career. Let's find out! Encourages Discussion: You may have heard the old adage about looking at things with fresh eyes. This remains true in business as well. Coaches provide those fresh eyes to look at the business from the outside. Have managers or lower-level employees been sitting on ideas about improvement? A fresh perspective may help open up lines of communication. And even bring those ideas to the surface. Communicate Gooder... More Goodly: Communication is the meaningful exchange of ideas. Roughly half of the executives say they need the most help in their communication. Along with encouraging discussions, coaches teach executives how to communicate. Don't confuse this with monologuing or talking to someone. Coaches teach you how to make everyone feel heard and listened to. What's more, you will learn how to speak with grace. Privacy and Confidentiality: Coaching sessions need the same rules as Vegas. What's said here, stays here. In this way, the coach takes a similar role to the therapist. No more than three people ever need to know about what goes on with you and your coach. You, your coach, and sometimes your supervisor. Still, the coaching space maintains privacy on anything you say. Without this, all the rest of coaching fails since honesty and transparency disappear. Beyond the amount of money wasted, broken trust heals slowly. Setting Goals: A big question to ask yourself before every meeting is "What do I want to accomplish this session?" Goals for coaching sessions mirror goals for the rest of your life. They need to include specific details and be attainable. They must also be relevant and time-bound - you only have an hour to accomplish them. At the very least, lay the groundwork for reaching your goals. To find out what else will be discussed, read more here. Ready, Set... Stop: Most define the world of business with the word "GO!" But coaching requires stopping. Everything else is tabled for one hour of your week. During that one hour, phone calls, running around, and errands all stop. It may seem counterproductive. But moving doesn't mean you're being productive. Coaching teaches you to move with purpose. Executive coaching holds the keys to keeping and growing your business. If you want to learn more about our business insights, find them here. Read Also: 6 Techniques To Improve Your Work-From-Home Career Seeking A Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers To Check Out

Project Manager

How to Spot an Elite Project Manager

Every entrepreneur wants to achieve growth and success in their businesses, one aspect that is very important in every business is the people who work for it and especially their leaders. A project manager must ensure that every project that the business is working on succeeds without failure or waste of resources. In this case, a project manager is expected to have topnotch skills and be strategic in everything he does. Being a leader, they are also expected to not only direct their respective teams but also exercise collaboration with everyone involved. Learn how to identify an elite project manager by checking for the following attributes. 1. Reliable Judgment: A project manager is like any leader and is expected to make many important decisions in the company. He must also be able to strategically prioritize tasks at work to ensure that every aspect of each project is taken care of. His judgment in every decision is very important, and this includes his ability to determine project scope, budget, job scheduling, resource allocation and job assigning to every person in the team among other responsibilities. Brian Setencich warns that if a project manager makes a poor judgment in any of these responsibilities, the entire project is affected. 2. Communication Skills: The project manager is expected to direct other people involved in the project and therefore must communicate all of his directives effectively. Also, a project is usually carried out by different people and everyone involved including the leaders is expected to work on building a positive relationship with other members of the team. The project manager should be able to communicate his directives and instructions in a result-oriented manner. An elite project manager should be able to ask the right questions, address everyone respectively and also listen to his team members because when they are free with their leader, it becomes easy to express their opinions and creativity. 3. Enhance Other People’s Skills: An effective manager is one who can spot a strong opinion from his subordinates and is willing to listen and implement it in the organization if considered viable for the project. People feel more motivated to do more when their opinions and creativity is valued. A project manager should, therefore, give these people the freedom to showcase their skills and talents without limitation. If possible, he should also push for training and development of his team members for better results with the project and the overall performance of the organization. 4. Ability To Think And Act Strategically: A project manager holds a very strategic position in an organization and therefore must be very tactical in every decision he makes. Brian Setencich insists that a project manager should be able to see the big picture in every aspect of the project he is managing and then direct others towards that vision. He is supposed to be very strategic when making every administrative and financial consideration. Another important consideration an elite manager is supposed to make is on how to assign jobs in the project whereby he matches skills and tasks in question without being biased. 5. Ability To Manage Risks: The world today is changing at a high rate, and it is only those who are prepared for change who will be able to survive and thrive in such times. For instance technology advancement is very rapid and the internet keeps on introducing new aspects to people’s personal lives and businesses. Some of these changes might come as risk factors for a specific project, and a good project manager should be prepared before damage happens. An elite manager should remain active and agile in their mindset so as to effectively manage risks as soon as they are anticipated. Recruiting leaders in a business can be more overwhelming than when acquiring any other employee because of the solidity of skills required. If you are hiring a project manager and you are not sure how to acquire an elite one, then consider working with an experienced employment agency. Read Also: Perfect Resume Samples For Every Job How To Live Healthily Even If You Have A Full-Time Job Is Your Company Offering Enough To Potential Employees?  

Potential Employees

Is Your Company Offering Enough to Potential Employees?

In a world where businesses can rise and fall in a single day, it’s important that your company offers your current and potential staff something that sets you apart from others in the industry. Not only does your company become more attractive to hard-working talent, but you can better retain employees who you have spent time and resource training. This is particularly important when you have hired account managers who are often the sole point of contact for your contracted customers or regular clients, you don’t want to have a revolving door of contacts as this can reflect poorly on the company as a whole. Catering to Staff Needs: While salary is a large part of keeping employees happy, without sufficient managerial training, dedicated employee support or a good working environment, you’ll find your employee turnover isn’t as low as you should be aiming for. To ensure your staff are comfortable while at work, they should at the very minimum have unrestricted access to the bathroom and freely able to quench their thirst with water. Additionally, you can offer facilities for tea and coffee, which the majority of workers drink, although if you find time spent making drinks or in the kitchen increases to non-productive levels, consider introducing tea breaks or reducing tea and coffee to a handful of rounds a day. Some offices offer their employees a mixture of healthy or unhealthy snacks or offer breakfast foods so staff can get into the office a bit earlier and settle at their desk before the day officially begins. The more you offer in the way of refreshments, the less your staff will need to leave the premises for lunch or tea breaks, this prevents employees from getting caught up in lunchtime traffic around cities and towns or busy industrial areas and sees productivity rise as staff feel less rushed to have their lunch and get back to work. Providing Quality Break Out Areas: If your company premises have space for a breakout area, it should be a nice area that staff wants to be, rather than somewhere they want to avoid. Add comfortable chairs, rather than cold, hard, fast food benches, fun colours or decoration that is aesthetically pleasing such as your company rewards and images of the company workforce. You can also provide a means of entertainment, whether this is a pool table, air hockey table or a games system. Something that not only gives your staff something to do while on their break but gives them the opportunity to socialise with each other in a less rigid environment. Talk to your existing staff about what they’d like to have available to them in a breakout area, take suggestions and possibly organise a fundraiser between the staff if their favourable and unanimous asks go above the company budget. Offer Bonuses and Rewards: In addition to a competitive salary, employees like to see rewards and/or bonuses for hitting goals and targets or when they have been working particularly hard for a specific client or to meet an impending deadline. While in the past, bonuses were typically monetary, there are alternative options for rewarding staff without having to cut an increased cheque. Where time and resource are available, consider gifting staff an extra paid day of annual leave or a more flexible working schedule to improve their work-life balance. You can also offer vouchers, meals out and experiences for your employees, although not everyone will appreciate these types of rewards so talk to your employees personally about setting up a reward or bonus scheme in your company. Together you can come up with some suitable personal rewards or general bonuses that can be given out and gratefully received by any hard-working individual. Spend some time looking for inspiration from bonus scheme examples with your staff and encourage them to set goals together as a team. Competitive Salary: The unfavourable topic, everyone wants more of it, some people may be eligible while others don’t meet the minimum requirements but sometimes companies can find themselves struggling to meet demands and keep all their staff happy. If you are concerned the salaries you are offering are not competitive enough for the industry, considering investing in a salary survey. This is a survey carried out by a dedicated pay review company that returns salaries currently being paid by unnamed competitors in the surrounding and expanded industry based on the employee’s job responsibilities. This allows you to compare like for like and check that your employees are being paid both competitively and fairly for the cost of living in your area and help you make informed remuneration decisions. Talk to your staff about what they feel is lacking in their work environment and work together to ensure needs and reasonable wants are catered to, this will show your staff you care and are loyal to their requirements as individuals. Don’t forget, a happy workforce is a productive one! Read Also: Tips To Improve The Onboarding Process At Your Company How To Live Healthily Even If You Have A Full-Time Job

Onboarding Process

Tips to Improve the Onboarding Process at Your Company

Your company’s onboarding process is the start of a new working relationship between you and your employee.  Whether or not your new employee succeeds and feels a part of your team can depend somewhat on this process.  The onboarding process is the way your employee can see how business is conducted at your company.  It is also an opportunity for you to get to know your new hire and have your working relationship off to a good start. Start Slow: While it is entirely natural to want to have your new employee working as soon as possible, it is best to allow your new hire to warm up to the environment.  Give the new employee breathing room.  Take the process one step at a time to avoid the beginning of employment being completely overwhelming. Have a Plan: Have a documented onboarding and training plan even if you only have a few employees or small business.  Be clear about your expectations.  You can make updates to the program as needed. As your company grows, you will be able to determine if portions of your plan need tweaking.  Make the necessary changes as needed, but keep it in writing, clear, and concise. Conduct Training for the Onboarding Process: Train the employees who will be conducting the onboarding.  They need to have critical points for explaining expectations and other processes.  If possible, keep one person in charge of the onboarding process. Do Something to Make Your Employees Feel Welcome: Let your new employees know that you feel fortunate to have them with your company.  Encourage them to give their input on individual decisions.  A welcome email or a company mug will go a long way to let your new hire feel wanted in the company. Make Your New Hire Feel at Ease: Take steps to ease any anxiety or uneasiness your new employees might have.  Ask your other employees to give them a warm greeting.  Introduce your new employee to everyone on your team.  Personalize the experience as much as possible.  Give your new employee a company roster so other employees can be easily contacted.  Have your employee's workstation set up, and, encourage your other employees to introduce themselves. Make the Experience Interactive: Gamification works great with human resources and new hires.  This will keep your new employee engaged during onboarding.  LinkedIn, Bazaarvoice, and Rackspace is excellent for utilizing gamification and bringing new employees up to speed on company culture. Help them to Be Clear about How to be Successful: Help your new hire to understand your company’s goals.  Let them see their own key performance indicators.  Give them an overview of the promotion process and the resources provided to help them. Familiarize them with The Target System: Security procedures and features should be introduced to your new employee right away.  Provide them with the domain name and IP as well any other information they might need to access files needed or the online workplace.  Answer any system questions or concerns your new hire might have.  Provide adequate training for your system. Conclusion: If you implement an excellent onboarding system, your employees will trust you, feel comfortable with you, and they will do an excellent job for your company, which, in turn, will be helpful to you. Read Also: Employee Monitoring Linked To Business Growth What Does Business Law State About Monitoring Employees?

Job Interview Tips

Genius Job Interview Tips That Will Guarantee Success

No matter how experienced are you when the day of a job interview comes your heart starts to beat faster, words get stuck in your throat, and hands shake like on the first date. We know the feeling, and it’s completely natural to be anxious before attending an interview which might decide your future. Nevertheless, there are ways to control stress and anxiety, and solid preparation is one of them. Not to forget, in order to succeed in your next job interview, you have to put a foundation. A great start is your resume, and you should carefully design it depending on the desired position. The first step is to introduce yourself briefly, tell the main facts regarding your previous occupations, educational background, achievements, and skills. Everything should collaborate and bring the best picture. The second step is to design your resume in a way it would stand out and be easier to scan. To help with that use premade resume templates which you can find on Novoresume. In this article we suggest six tips on how to master your next job interview: Before: 1. Use all possible channels for your job interview: In times of the digital revolution, it would be a shame not to use all possible channels and platforms to get needed information. This point is highly valuable while preparing for the job interview, as you can find all the smallest details about the hiring company. Don’t only check the website, but also include social media, blogs, and articles from additional sources. It is beneficial if you can find finance data regarding the company, analyze it and try to take the main points. Use statements about their business, make a basic forecast about the industry, if possible the company itself. It will surprise interviewers and show devotion to your career and compelling research skills. 2. Make yourself look good: A candidate should research the hiring company, however, not to forget, there is a great possibility that the company will check the applicant as well. To represent yourself well, check all social media accounts, publications and other related public data about you. Even though you probably forgot that picture from the party three years ago, it’s still there, and you should be aware that the company can easily spot it. Clean your photo albums, check all embarrassing posts and publications. It might protect you from an embarrassment during the interview. 3. Pick the right time for the interview: According to the online job market platform Glassdoor, there is a certain time that works better for meetings, and might even boost your chances of getting the desired position. It’s recommended to avoid early meetings, late and before lunch interviews. Those simple factors, as interviewers being too sleepy, hungry or tired have a high impact on your chances to get a job. What is the best time for a job interview? It is Tuesday around 10 am, this time makes sense because people are already tuned in a working week, it’s not early morning, but yet no one is wondering about lunch. Therefore, if you have an opportunity to arrange the time, try using Tuesday at 10 am. During: Prepare questions: Although a job interview is used to test your competence for a specific position, it’s also an ideal possibility to show your interest and curiosity in the hiring company. If you prepared well before the big day, then you should have at least a few questions for interviewers. Don’t be shy and ask, however, try to find issues which interested you but you couldn’t find answers online otherwise they might assume you are just lazy. If before the big day you've found facts regarding the business’s success or failure, ask what caused a particular situation. Again, it will show your knowledge about their business and high interest. 5. State why are you perfect for this position: One of the most common questions during job interviews is why did you choose this position and what does make you think you are a good fit. Why do you consider yourself a perfect candidate is the main one because you will have to convince interviewers with your competence. Before the meeting, study the description of the position, what is it required to achieve it, what experience and skills are needed. Accordingly, you will be able to create a brief story about why you are the one who is the best for this job. After: Send a thank you Email: A short thank you note within first 24 hours after your interview is a polite way to remind about yourself. A great chance is that the hiring company had many other applicants and it’s necessary to remind the company about yourself. A formal and brief email mentioning the main takeaways might guarantee you a next stage of the hiring process. Even though you don’t get to the next step, there is a chance they will offer you some other position because of the enthusiasm you’ve shown. A job interview is a challenging experience, but you can master it and reach the best possible outcome. And no matter how many meetings you’ll have that day, spend enough time and carefully prepare. If you pick the tools and techniques that work for you, then you will achieve the desired position without any hassle. All in all, despite all the study and research, use your confidence and take the matter into your own hands. Read Also: Perfect Resume Samples For Every Job Ten Interview Tips That Might Surprise You: The Medical Edition

Medical Job

Why You Should Use A Recruitment Agency To Find Your Next Medical Job

When you are looking for your next medical job, you have a lot of resources that you can use. Many people choose to use a recruitment agency to aid their search due to the many benefits that come along with this. In this article, we are going to give you some reasons why you should use a recruitment agency to find your next medical job. Keep reading if you’d like to find out more. Make It Easier: One of the best reasons to make use of a physician recruiter is the fact that they make the whole process easier. Looking for a job can be very overwhelming, and it can be difficult to see only the jobs that you are qualified for. On top of this, it can be very time consuming especially when you are working in your residency or already have a job. With a recruiter, you can spend less time finding a job and you’ll still get good results. Support And Guidance: The great thing about using a recruitment agency to find your next medical job is that you get a lot of support and guidance. These companies are made to help find you a job and so they will help you with applying and they will more than likely talk to you to find out more about your skills. Getting advice on your job hunt is important and with a recruitment agency you can get that support you need. Relevant Jobs: When you use a recruitment agency to find your next medical job, you will also find that you are only presented with relevant jobs. A lot of the time spent looking for jobs is cluttered by irrelevant jobs appearing and you having to sift through them. Your recruiter will know what you are qualified in and what you are looking for and they will only give you relevant jobs, so you won’t need to worry about that. Feedback: The final reason why you should use a physician recruiter is the fact that you can get feedback when you don’t do so well in interviews or in your application. Feedback is always important and with the information that you need, you can make sure that you ace your next interview and get the job that you have always wanted. It is important that you always take any negative feedback as constructive and that you are ready to make the changes that you need to make. This will help you to get the job of your dreams. Final Verdict: If you are thinking about applying for a new medical job, you should consider getting the help of a recruitment agency. These agencies know what they are doing when it comes to the job hunt and they will present you with relevant jobs and advice on how to apply. Make sure to try this out if you want to land your dream job. Read More:  Top things to know before entering a medical career. Things every Employee ought to know about Medical and Family Leaves. Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out.  


Perfect Resume Samples for Every Job

Your resume is the most important element in your application portfolio. You could have an impressive education. You may have a solid work history and volunteering experience. But, if your resume doesn’t showcase these features, you may be passed over. Worse, the person who gets the position may not have your skills or your sense of responsibility. Why would they choose him to interview over you? Many templates will help you design a resume online. What’s more, there are plenty of people who are willing to help you design and write your resume. These people will twist words until they do not resemble the truth, but they are not lies. Here is an example. There was a warehouse worker who put away stock and did cycle-counts. During the lunch break, he would answer telephone calls putting them on hold before his superior could take over. His resume read, “Assisted the operations manager in maintaining a multi-million dollar inventory” and “Served as backup for the parts manager when he was unavailable.” While these statements are not necessarily lies, they are not exactly truthful either. We are not suggesting that you bend the truth in your resume like this person did but we are suggesting that a properly worded resume gets you in the running. Who do you have to impress? If you are invited over for an interview, you will probably have to go through several layers of management to secure the position. You will have to impress each of these people. But, there is something you need to keep in mind. Most department heads have administrative assistants. Often, these assistants are tasked with screening the cover letters and resumes that come in. The assistant typically has one criterion to look for. He or she will look for these criteria and give the management team their opinion of the top 10. This means that you want your resume to showcase all your strengths. But the wording must be simple and easy to understand. If you write, “Personally designed an automated system allowing real-time delivery of HVAC equipment on commercial job sites, giving our clients a 10% increase of their ROI”  The assistant will think, “Okay, whatever.” But, if you write. “I designed a program that saved our customers time on their jobs and gave them a higher return on their investment.” The bell goes off, and you make the cut. You have to impress people in a way that be understandable both to a CEO and a receptionist. Save your gift of gab for the interview. Resume Content: Your resume tells the reader who you are. The resume is the document that lists your education, experience, and achievements. It allows you to show where you went the extra mile. By using clear language, you are sending a message that you do not need to muddy the waters with your impressive vocabulary. You have the background, skills, and knowledge to bring to the table. All resumes offer an equal opportunity to show who you are. Your goal is to write it in a professional manner that emphasizes your qualities and grabs the reader's attention. The format you choose is your tool to reach that goal. You can look for resumes that appeal to you online. Be selective of the website you use, as you do not want a cookie-cutter resume. Look for a quality sample resume, and you will be at the head of the pack from step one. What your resume needs to include? When you find a resume sample that you like, you will start filling it with your personal data. Of course, that includes your name, address, and contact information. After that, you can write a brief summary of what you do and what you aspire to do in the future. This lets the reader make a first impression about you. You will go on to add your education and any specialized training you may have completed. Do not stretch the truth here. These things are easily verified online. Next is your work history. Write down where you worked, what your achievements are and how you advanced your career within the company (if relevant). You do not have to explain why you left unless the employer specifically asks. If they do, be careful not to disrespect or criticize the company you left. If you left because you did not get a promotion, you can say that you want to work for a company that offers more opportunities for career growth. Finally, you may be asked for references. Do not list references on your resume. Instead, send your resume with “References available upon requests.” Conclusion: Use a high-quality resume format. Be straightforward and honest. Bonus tip: If you are applying for a job offered by your current company’s competitor, do not hint that you are willing to give them insider tips. You have to show respect for the industry and be professional. That will take you much further in the business world. Read More:  5 Common Resume Mistakes You Should Avoid. How to Write an Effective Resume that Get Noticed? Tips on Building Your Resume for a Website Design Company.

Medical Careers

Seeking a Healthy Career: 10 Tempting Medical Careers to Check Out

Are you looking for a stable, rewarding career that allows you to help others, while still making good money? If so, then a career in the medical field may be right for you! Many people scoff at the idea of switching to a career in medicine. This is because when many people think "medical career" they think "doctor". And that, of course, leads to people to think that the only way to make it in the medical field is to give up ten plus years of your life for school while going hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt. However, there are a lot of careers that you can do in the medical field that don't require years and years of schooling and money. And, people often get just as much job satisfaction from these careers as doctors do. What careers are we talking about, exactly? Read on to learn about the top 10 medical careers to check out for those looking for a career switch. 1. Ultrasound Technician: Working as an ultrasound technician is perhaps one of the least stressful medical careers out there. And, it's super fulfilling. Even better, it pays well and does not take that much schooling. As an ultrasound technician, you get to witness one of the most joyous moments in a person's life- seeing their baby for the first time! However, your job will consist of a lot more than just showing future parents their babies on an ultrasound machine. Your job will also consist of using the ultrasound machine to identify blood clots, diagnose tumors, evaluate heart conditions, and more. For an entry-level job, you will need an associates degree, a diploma or a certificate. Job growth in this field is at a healthy 17 percent, and you can expect to make around $70,000. 2. Biomedical Engineer: Are you looking for a career in the medical field that is less patient focused? If so, a career as a biomedical engineer may be for you. As a biomedical engineer, you'll get to use your skills in science and math to further the medical field. You will be in constant contact with other scientists, doctors, and nurses to repair and improve upon various medical devices. You may even get the chance to help develop an artificial organ. Some other biomedical engineers work to develop software for medical devices, research emerging technologies, or design new devices. In this career, you may find yourself working in a lab, hospital, or university, or government agency. You will need a bachelor's degree in engineering in order to enter this career field. However, if you are going back to school, you may not need to redo your generals. Therefore, you could knock off a year or two of schooling. As a biomedical engineer, you can expect to make close to six figures. 3. Phlebotomist: We've all had our blood drawn at a doctor's appointment or for a blood drive. The person drawing your blood in these situations is a phlebotomist. A lot of people think phlebotomists only draw blood. However, they do a lot more than that. However, due to the fact that many people are afraid of needles, your job will also involve putting your people skills to the test. Calming down and soothing patients will be a regular part of your job. If you work blood drives, you'll also be responsible for screening patients to ensure they're fit to give blood. You can also work towards other applicable certificates as a phlebotomist, such as a bloodborne pathogens certificate. You can find more info about that here. Training to become a phlebotomist takes as little as 8 months. And, school is often a couple of nights a week. Therefore, this is a career that you can easily transition to while still keeping your old job. 4. Medical Illustrator: A medical illustrator is a career that very few people know about. This is a shame, as this job can be super exciting and fascinating. If you're someone who is equally right-brained and left-brained oriented, this career may be for you. Medical illustrators work to create graphic representations and drawings of different parts of the body. Their "artwork" can be used for a variety of purposes, including legal proceedings, posters, and textbooks. You will use extremely precise graphic design software to create these images. The images you create will help educate students, patients, doctors, and nurses. You will need to get a Masters in Medical Illustration in order to enter this field. But, those two years will quickly pay off, as you can expect to make close to six figures. 5. Radiologic Technologist: Physicians and medical professionals rely on imaging technology to diagnose and treat patients. The images they use don't just appear out of the blue. They are created with the help of a radiologic technologist, also commonly known as an x-ray technician. In this role, you will use imaging technology to create highly-sophisticated images of patients' body parts. Once you've created the images, you will be responsible for updating the patient's file accordingly. This is another great career field that offers great pay and low stress. The average salary for this position is around $60,000. You will need an associate's degree to qualify for work. 6. Nutritionist: The US is one of the most obese countries in the world, which means we could use more nutritionists to get us on healthier diets. As a nutritionist, you will get the opportunity to educate patients about what it takes to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this role, you will design a nutrition program for your clients to follow in order to meet their lifestyle goals. You could work with a patient with Type II diabetes, creating a diet plan for them that will help them lose weight. Or, maybe you'll work with someone who has Celiac's disease to create a healthy and diverse diet plan that won't make them sick. This is another medical career that is extremely low-stress. And, you only need a bachelor's degree to do it. Are You Ready for One of These Medical Careers? As you can see, there are a lot of medical careers out there that have nothing to do with being a doctor. Now, all you need to do is choose one that you'd like to pursue. However, before you make the leap, be sure to check out this article about the top things you should know before entering a medical career. Read Also: Top 6 U.S. Universities That Offer Health Science Course What They Don’t Tell You About Freelance Careers

Path in Life

Finding Your Path in Life: 5 Ways to Determine What You Want to Do in Life

Too many people plan their lives out according to someone else’s dream. They make decisions based on what they ‘should’ do instead of what they ‘want to do’, and end up chasing money, convenience, and easy options. But trying to determine what you want to do in life is far from simple. These are five ways to solve the puzzle and determine what you want to do, and once you know, give yourself a competitive edge and download free of charge resumes from LiveCareer. Put Yourself First: One of the biggest reasons why we overlook what we actually want to do is because we feel like we have to do something for other people. Put yourself first for a change. Ignore what your parents want you to do, or your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife wants you to do and think about what you would be doing if none of them were in the equation. Think About Where You Want to Be in Five Years: It sounds like a cliché interview question, but spending some time thinking about your medium and long-term goals will help shed light on what you want to do with your life. It doesn’t matter if you actually end up there in five-years-time (you probably won’t), but as a thought exercise, thinking about where you want to be can help you discover what is important to you. Find the Common Thread in Your Experiences: Looking backwards can help you moving forwards. Look back through your previous work and personal experiences. What skills have been a common thread? Are there any recurring themes? Job titles, salaries, and companies can all change, but ultimately your career will be defined by your skills. Realizing what those skills are and how to apply them to your career to provide meaning is most of the battle. Establish What You Don’t Want to Do: Sometimes you may not know what you want, but you have a strong idea of what you don’t want. This is a good starting point and can help you work out how to avoid paths that definitely don’t appeal to you. Establish what you don’t want and be specific. Don’t simply assert that you don’t like working in an office. Be more specific. Working in the Google office is not the same as working in an accountancy office, for example. What aspect of office life doesn’t appeal to you? The inflexible hours? Micromanagers? Pointless job titles? All of these can be part of the office life but don’t have to be. Run with Side Projects: Do you have a side project that you have wanted to embark on for a while but have never found the time? Then make time! Side projects are an exceptional method of exploring new possibilities and hobbies. All it takes is the right side project and a huge injection of passion, and before you know it, you could have just discovered your next career. Finding what you want to do in life is as much about sparking your curiosity, igniting your passion, and discovering your interests as it is about choosing a job. There will be obstacles, both internal and external, but finding things you want to pursue, skills you want to learn, and places you want to be in the medium to long-term future are all important steps on the path of finding what it is you want to do in life. Read Also: How To Start Your Career As A Financial Advisor? Top Things To Know Before Entering A Medical Career


What are the Advantages of Pursuing a Full-Time Master’s?

With your bachelor’s degree in the bag, you will be faced with yet another big life decision: should you pursue a Masters full-time program or head into the labor market? There are many different reasons why individuals choose to study for a Masters. For the most part, though, the hope is that it improves your career prospects, and ultimately your wage premium. Whatever your motivations may be, you might be torn at the prospect of halting your career hunt to pursue yet another degree. While there are certainly more than a few considerations that should go into this decision, we’ve provided some of the advantages of deciding in its favor. Employability: One of the most important reasons why you might choose to consider studying a full-time Masters is to improve your employability. If you are gunning for an academic role, a Masters degree is an important next step. A Masters is also an important step if you are looking to switch career paths or accelerate your career progress. Wage Premium: Higher educational qualifications generally necessitate higher wage premiums in different career environments. With a Master’s degree comes added qualification and skill set, positioning you for even more responsibilities in your work environment. It is important to note that some Master Degree holders enjoy parity with holders of bachelor’s degrees in higher-paying fields. However, your focus should be on your career of choice. Deeper Knowledge: Postgraduate programs, such as full-time masters programs, are mostly specialized in nature. If you have a genuine interest in your field and desire to gain even more theoretical and practical knowledge in this course of study, a master’s program will be beneficial. Specialization also improves your chances of career progression and improved wage premium. Real World Knowledge and Networking: One of the more specific advantages of pursuing a full-time Master’s program, not just a Master’s program, is the real world scenarios it prepares you for. Many schools send their postgraduate students out into the field for studies and invaluable work experience, exposing them to the real world work environment. This allows students at this level to gain practical skills applicable to the real world environment, while also providing you with a chance to build your network for the future. Program Speed: Yet another benefit of a full-time program is the speed of completion. Going part-time, whether in a physical institution or through an online course, may allow you to pursue the program according to your pace, but it also does well to ensure the program lingers and drags on. A full-time study for masters is usually completed between 1 – 2 years, accelerating your goal to acquire relevant knowledge and certification. The question of whether you should pursue a master’s program is a very personal one. It is generally a cost-intensive venture, which means that you may be short on budget. Otherwise, you might be skeptical of committing such amounts without any assurances. However, programs like the BBS full-time master’s program ensure that you ultimately get great value for your financial, material and time commitments. Read Also: How Studying Abroad Can Benefit Your Career Upcoming Educational Trends In 2017 4 Emerging Trends In The Education Sector

Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test

Cracking The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT)

The process of getting the desired job and hiring skilled people have now become races, where both teams have to surpass a series of hurdles to get the coveted prize. Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) focuses on one's ability to learn new skills and solve problems. While it might not be as surprising for you, but the diminishing number of employed people and increasing skill sets has created a talent deficit. As per reports from Manpower Group, over 45% of global employees have talent issues, with most of them lacking interpersonal skills. But does a shortage of skills means someone not much talent for a respective niche? Or, is that recruiters who aren’t hiring from the right places to have good talent on-board? Well, in a professional term, talent shortages mean an inability to hire and find the right talent which is required to run any business. The SOLUTION- hiring candidates not only on the basis of respective degrees but also on the basis of cognitive tests! Criteria Cognitive aptitude test is a pre-employment test that focuses on measuring one’s ability to solve problems, learn new skills, digest and apply information, and critical thinking capabilities. Regardless of the candidate’s experience, these tests are used to hire potential candidates for the company’s success. Further, these tests provide a vehicle to access the potential of employees, enabling a rapid workforce scale thereby reducing hiring cost and increasing the quality of each hire. Why Recruiters Use Cognitive Ability Tests? Cognitive aptitude measures a candidate’s ability to solve problems and the ability to use new information, recruiters consider it as one of the best predictors of a candidate’s job performance. Also, it’s more predictive than verbal interviews, job experience, and one’s educational background. You can either prepare it from hard-notes or can prepare online for the criteria cognitive aptitude test (CCAT). Fast Facts Related To The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT): The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) comprises of 50 questions Candidates will be given only 15 minutes to answer each question The questions will be divided into three different sections, viz. verbal, math and logic, and spatial reasoning Use of calculators is restricted Less than 1% of candidates can answer all 50 questions Your score will be sent to employers with the total number of questions one has completed and the percentile score. CCAT Practice Test: You should solve sample questions for the CCAT practice test. As calculators are not allowed in the CCAT test, so make sure that you are not using calculator while practicing for the ccat test. For tough math problems, use a pencil and paper. While solving the maths questions, take a watch and note the exact time you are taking while solving it.  You have to be aware of the length of time you are taking while solving questions for the CCAT practice test. How to Pass a Cognitive Test: Do Not Jump Instructions: One of the most common mistakes candidates do is rushing over the instructions. Instead, take time to read and understand each instruction, and based on that, plan your strategy.  Since there’s no negative marking on each wrong answer, don’t skip any question- Guess and move! Do What is Important: Many people favor either 123s or ABCs, as not everyone is master in both. So, find your strengths and work accordingly. Try first to solve questions of the section that you find comfortable with. For instance, if your vocabulary is rusty and paragraph questions throw you for a loop, skip it or guess it. Time Is Everything! Candidates will be given only 15 minutes to solve 50 questions, which accounts for less than 18 seconds on each question.  That’s Too FAST! Folk! You don’t have to checklist every single question; this will not impress hiring managers. So, focus on the correct score. If you think you have spent more than 45 seconds, guess the answer and move to the next. Focus for the CCAT Test: Aim at attempting all questions, but if you are unable to do so, don’t stress. The test is designed in a way so that only 1 or 2 % of the candidates can answer all questions in that specific time slot. Let The Clock Stop! If you have completed your test, don’t stop working. Let the time finish and then relax. Utilize your time as much as possible; go to your guessed questions (the one that you are unsure of) and double-check your answers. Take that extra time to solve them correctly. Although Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) would be one of the methods that recruiters will use, it’s the most important one. And to crack it, the best thing you can do is simply PREPARE! Read Also: Traditional Job Interviews Will Be Dead By 2020 Go For A Better Legal Job In 2018! The Benefits of Drug Testing in the Workplace using Drug Test Cups

Remote work

What No One Tells You About Working Remotely

Remote working has been on the rise for some time now, with thousands of organizations the world over embracing more flexible working options to accommodate their employees and provide them with a better work-life balance. Additionally, many professionals are themselves catching onto this millennial style of working, having realized that their job shouldn’t determine where they choose to live or confine them to any one particular region or country. The progress in digital technology over the past decade has led to a significant difference in the way we organize our lives, meaning we have the freedom to move around more while still holding down a steady career. Nevertheless, some people are still coming to terms with this newer form of working, so we’re here to bust some of the most common myths surrounding remote working and what it really means to take on such a flexible approach to work. Myth #1 Become a Millionaire by Working from Home You may have come across many such clickbait-type ads in the course of your browsing the internet, claiming how easy it is to make yourself a small fortune by working from home, without even having to do any real work. Unfortunately, this happens to be one of the biggest myths about remote work. Just like any other office-based job, you will actually be required to put in the same level of hard work, if not more, as your boss is maybe even more likely to check up on you to be satisfied that you’re reaching your set targets and not slacking off watching daytime tv in your PJs all day. Myth #2 You’ll never get promoted when you work remotely People may assume that just because you don’t physically show up at your place of work every day, your superiors will have no way of knowing how hard you work. This is a common misconception since most companies that support remote working keep close tabs on their employees’ tasks. Hence, if your work is up to scratch, there’s no reason why your efforts won’t be recognized and rewarded accordingly. Myth #3 You have to work the same hours as the rest of your non-remote team With the exception of Skype meetings and the like, one of the major advantages of remote working is the fact that you won’t be expected to work a regular 9-to-5. Very often, you’ll get to make your own hours and as long as the work is done efficiently, your employers won’t care when you work. In fact, as long as you’ve got a laptop and a Wi-fi connection, the rest should not be an issue. This gives you more flexibility to plan your work around your life, rather than the other way around. If you need to run errands or go to the gym, for example, you can do so. Working remotely also leaves you with more time to do the things you love, whether spending time with friends or family or just relaxing with a cup of coffee, entertained by the options online gaming provides. With so much extra time on your hands, your quality of life will definitely take a turn for the better. Myth #4 You’ll get bored, lonely, and depressed when working remotely Sure you may occasionally miss the office small talk and water-cooler chit-chat while working remotely. However, most organizations that promote remote working have set up instant communication channels so you can be in touch with your colleagues easily, even though you won’t be seeing them on a daily basis. Additionally, there are now many remote working communities that act to reduce these feelings of loneliness and may increase productivity levels by mimicking office environments. If you’re thinking about taking the plunge into the world of remote working, you should now have a better understanding of how it works and what to expect. All in all, we believe remote working is the way forward, and many more companies are likely to adopt this approach in the near future. Read Also :  5 Of The Highest Paid Remote Jobs Go For A Better Legal Job In 2018!