Category: SEO

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Website Traffic

A Complete Online Guide to Boosting Your Website Traffic in 2020

As soon as New Year's Eve is over, we all start scrambling to improve this or that, and owners of web-based businesses are no different. The web is flooded with entrepreneurs working to boost their web traffic in the New Year. After all, any good businessperson knows that the majority of success for web-based businesses begins with getting people to your site. If you want to implement an easy plan to boost your web traffic in 2019, just follow the steps outlined below. A Complete Online Guide to Boosting Your Website Traffic in 2020: 1. SEO: To drive traffic to your page, you’ll want to begin with SEO tactics. There are some great companies out there who can provide you with professional SEO services if you don’t want to do it on your own. You’ll want to implement these SEO tactics on each of your web pages to get optimal visitors to your website and improve your ranking in search engines. Separate SEO for every single page of your site is the best way to go about this. You should also spend a bit of time writing concise meta descriptions to appear under your URL descriptions in search engines. This little step can make all the difference.  2. Listings: Another way to easily drive visitors to your pages is to improve your listings across the web. Peruse the internet and sites relating to your industry for directory listings, contact pages, and relevant links, and make sure you’ve linked to them. Check your pages for dead links often, and make sure all links are working properly. Keep any directories on your site easy to find, polished and relevant. 3. Social Media: Even in 2019, so many online companies think a social media presence is unnecessary. Unfortunately, foregoing any kind of social media interaction can really harm your business. It’s a matter of finding the social media platform that’s right for you – whether it’s Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or something else entirely, find the social media platform that drives viewers to your business and makes those sales. Once you’ve got an account, start those promotions, post pictures, put up polls, and get those customers talking and engaging. Do it yourself or hire a social media whiz, but be sure to interact with your customers via these platforms to keep their interest, stay relevant, and drive customers to your site. It’s 2019 and let’s face it: most folks are addicted to some form of social media. Why wouldn’t you get in on that? If you operate an app, be sure to update links there often, too, and make sure your website is optimized for mobile. Not everyone, however, wants to use an app, and you never know, someone might be scrolling through your website on their phone, cursing because it isn't translating well. This also falls under the category of website speed, because when optimizing for mobile devices loading speed is very important. Start from fundamentals here by choosing a fast provider, then optimize your code, images, and content. Spend the time and money on making your site, app, and social media picture perfect. It's worth every penny. 3. Email Marketing: If you’re dead-set against social media, at the very least, you should have an email marketing campaign (and even if you’re totally into social media, this is still a good idea). Have your customers “opt-in” when visiting your site, offering them subscriptions to your blog or newsletter, or special promotions or deals. You’ll find that most of them are interested! Then you’ve got a ready-made list of email addresses, connected to real, live customers who will come back and become repeat customers. Avoid spamming them, of course – save the email marketing content for the really good stuff. It’s also a good idea to have a specific, set email address only for marketing, and a separate one for things like customer service, orders, etc. Having an organized email is just good business. 5. Guest-Starring: A lot of successful online entrepreneurs – whether it’s authors, business owners, musicians, marketing execs, or “social media influencers”, have learned that crossing over to other forums can increase their viewership and give them great success. Have a friend who runs a similar business? Someone who blogs about the products you sell? A repeat customer who has a podcast? Find common ground with someone who can give you a platform, or offer them a platform in return. Guest blog for someone, have someone guest blog for you or participate in a cross-promotion. The sky is the limit! Pairing up with someone can mean bigger viewership and success for BOTH of you!  6. Engage: Don’t neglect a really important part of web-business – engaging with the customer. Whether it’s responding to social media tags, reading blog comments, answering customer service emails, or frequently updating your blog, you want to make yourself available to your web traffic. They need to see that you’re present and engaging with the audience. A constant presence reminds the customer that you’re there, that they wanted to visit your site to make a purchase or look at the promotion. They come to see you as a friend, and your site might just become a frequent stop on their day-to-day web activity. 7. Analyze Your Data: Every forum from Facebook to Wordpress offers its users data; a breakdown of viewership, clicks, sales, and more. Naturally, if you run a website, you’ve seen lots of this information. Unfortunately, not enough entrepreneurs take the time to truly analyze website data, and you should. It’s a treasure trove of information, providing you with clues on how to increase your viewership. Through analytics, you can track everything from the age and gender demographics of the people who visit your site, their location, what they click on, what they buy, and more. Taking the time to track this data can help you decipher what’s working, what isn’t, and what’s bringing people back. Get the Boost: There are lots more things you can do to boost traffic to your page in 2019, but if you start with these easy, simple steps, you’ll find your traffic increase with almost no effort at all. These simple, quick measures can put your web traffic into the stratosphere and make 2019 your best business year yet. Read Also: Top Utility Tools You Need For Your Website Tips On Building Your Resume For A Website Design Company

cornerstone content

How to create cornerstone content for your website

If you’ve been running your website for some time, accumulating lots of different pages, tackling different angles and creating a rich variety of resources, you probably have a good idea of what your most popular pages are. The problem is, someone else landing on your site for the first time doesn’t. Could they get from the homepage to your top-performing pages in just one or two clicks? Or are they only going to find them through luck, clicking around randomly through your menus (which is unlikely with today’s fondness for instant results) or a Google search that directs them straight to that page? Letting your readers and Google know what the most important and valuable pages on your website are is what creating cornerstone content is all about. Here we take a look at what it is, why it’s so important for SEO, and how to implement a strategy to make the best possible use of it. Putting your best foot forward An excellent example of a high-value post that could get overlooked by a new visitor is a particularly informative blog post you wrote several years ago. If a new visitor lands on your homepage and clicks on your blog, they’d likely have to scroll down and click through to ‘older posts’ multiple times before they get anywhere near this page – and as the saying goes, ain’t nobody got time for that! These top performers are your cornerstone or ‘evergreen’ content. Like the architectural term, the cornerstone is the foundation that all other parts are positioned against and aligned with. The idea is to get all those top performers in one place where they can dazzle your readers and have them coming back again and again. By fleshing out your cornerstone content page into an unusually lengthy post, you're creating a veritable treasure trove of useful information for your readers which they can use to easily access all the other content on your site that may interest them. In just one page, it gives them an overview of everything your site has to offer, with enough information to brief them on what each section is about while leaving them hungry for more – which you will supply with just one easy click. A rose by any other name Cornerstone content goes by quite a few monikers. Evergreen content, long-form content, massive value posts, pillar articles… whatever you call them, they're the content that keeps on giving. It’s the kind of content that remains relevant (either because it covers unchanging facts, goes into exceptional detail, or because you regularly update it) no matter when the reader discovers it. And, of course, it’s the kind of content that gets you noticed and rewarded by Google because so many visitors find it useful and spend time reading it. Speaking of which… Why Google loves cornerstone content Google uses many metrics to measure the value of a particular page and decide where it deserves to rank in their search results. Which keywords are used, how often and where is just one of the factors their algorithms take into consideration. How much time a user spends on a page before clicking away is a good indication of whether that page answers their query or not. A page which consistently gets clicked away from in just seconds is clearly not answering the user’s question and will quickly see its ranking for that search term drop. Whether the page loads quickly and how it’s linked internally to the rest of your website are also considerations. Great cornerstone content can also help you take on keywords that have a lot of competition and would normally be pretty hard to rank for. Cornerstone content strategy When you're building a new website, structuring your site around a few major keywords (generally two to five, depending on the nature of your niche) is a good place to start. For each of those keywords, you want one fat, juicy cornerstone article that links out to smaller posts which discuss a certain aspect in more detail. If you're relatively new to SEO and aren’t yet sure what keywords you should be aiming for, get a good SEO company on board at this point to help you identify them. Whenever you write a new article, it should tie back to its corresponding cornerstone piece. Aside from making it easy for your readers to navigate to the topics they're most interested in, it also lets Google know this page is important and will increase its chances of ranking in searches. If you have an existing website, you can take the same approach and work backward. Pick the top three to five pages you’re the proudest of and want your visitors to see the most – those will become your cornerstone pieces. Going forward, make sure new posts tie back to their cornerstone piece and start updating older pages systematically to do the same. One of the awesome things about cornerstone content is that although it’s one of the best ways to improve your site’s SEO, it’s not very technical - so anyone who can build their own website can take advantage and get the rankings they deserve. Read Also: 5 Things You Are Not Checking In SEO But You Should! 5 Inexpensive Tips On How To Scale Your SEO Business


Why A2 Hosting Is One Of The Best Hosting

Managed WordPress Hosting has gained much popularity among web hosting providers, it is a hosting plan that is exclusively designed for WordPress. The aim of this plan is to ease the stress of WordPress users by taking responsibilities for most technical aspect while leaving contents generation to the website owner. Cool! Right? Someone will be maintaining your website while you will be posting contents. And this is not even the only benefit of Managed WordPress Hosting, there are more. Managed WordPress Hosting is a name generated for the concept of the hosting plan “to manage WordPress websites on behalf of the owner”, so it is not exclusive to any web hosting service provider but is variably packed with features from one provider to another. Managed WordPress Hosting is the best deal you can get. It offers so many awesome features that will definitely surprise you, some of the features are; 20X turbo server, free JetPack personal license, site staging, WP-CLI (WordPress Command Line Interface) and many more. Advantages of A2Hosting Managed WordPress Hosting: Super-fast: 20X faster than typical hosting server is tested and confirmed, so it is very real. Website speed has a lot to contribute to traffic, user experience and SEO. A2Hosting Managed WordPress Hosting is a dedicated hosting plan where a website is isolated with more than enough resources. Security: a website hosted on a dedicated server is almost hack-proof because its isolation decreases vulnerability to attacks. Plus A2hosting has installed firewalls and have security experts monitoring your server 24/7 for any suspicious activities. Automatic backup/updates: what is more comforting than never having to worry about updating your WordPress core files and its components. Your sites content and database will be automatically backed up every single day and you will have access to various restore points just in case you decide to roll back. 24/7 uptime and supports: customers support is one of the very sure ways of solving problems quickly, solving problems is even faster when you can contact customer support and have your solutions immediately; such is the case with A2hosting customer supports team, they are fast, reliable and always available. Furthermore, there is no such thing as downtime on A2hosting servers, you will only experience 99.9% uptime. Developer Tools: various tools such as code editor and debugger, site-staging tools etc. are available for developer’s convenience. Who needs A2hosting Managed WordPress Hosting? Everybody that has a WordPress website does need A2hosting Managed WordPress Hosting plan. It is useful for small, medium or large websites. Even if your WordPress website is currently small or medium size, do you doubt it can later boom off? And that is why you need to be prepared with adequate resources. For larger websites, there is a no better option to run their WordPress website with less hassle. A2hosting Managed Wordpress Hosting is affordable and has three different plans suitable for your individual hosting needs. Get more information or purchase via Read Also: What Makes A Web Hosting Good? Cloud Hosting: Top Five Reasons To Take Your Business To The Cloud

Outsourcing SEO

What You Need to Know When Outsourcing SEO

Various companies have come to realize the importance and effectiveness of search engine optimization (SEO) for improving website rankings, increasing brand awareness, and (ultimately) generating leads for their businesses. Others don’t know much about SEO, or the fact that it’s smart to maximize efforts by hiring a professional SEO consulting company to guide your campaign. Here are some reasons why outsourcing is a good move -- if you partner with the right team. Businesses can choose to hire or build an in-house team dedicated to managing their SEO needs. They may also opt to outsource the responsibility to an agency like Coolbison SEO that can effectively launch an SEO campaign. Despite the potential comfortability of having your own SEO team under your roof, there are pitfalls. Reasons to Outsource Savings: Outsourcing an SEO campaign is affordable. It will save you the time, effort, and costs of having to hire, constantly train, and manage an in-house team. The salary of an in-house SEO Manager alone can cost you up to $65,000. Though the initial cost of hiring a contractor might seem exorbitant, it is more cost-effective over the years. This is especially true when you consider you’ll eventually need to replace your team members, which takes time for recruitment and additional training. Expertise: SEO is a dynamic and multi-disciplinary process that needs consistent attention for it to be fully effective. It is a complex process with a steep learning curve. Agencies specializing in SEO are fully equipped with the tools of the trade. They also stay on top of constant search engine algorithm updates and rule changes. A qualified company can provide you with the most effective SEO strategies to date. Additionally, SEO experts know how to handle the analytics of your website. They’ll interpret data, locate blind spots in the metrics, and pinpoint data relevant to conversion, in addition to many other skills. Focus on Operations: SEO is an important aspect of marketing, but it shouldn’t overtake your main job: running your business. Entrusting your SEO campaign to professionals will allow you to focus your efforts. You do not have to divide your attention between your operations and having to keep up with the frequent SEO updates and trends. Long-Term Maintenance: Employing the proper SEO techniques can provide lasting results. However, it is not a one-time deal; it is an ongoing and quickly evolving effort that needs constant upkeep. If you want the benefits of an SEO campaign, you have to be in it for the long haul. The campaign requires regular updates to your website, content, and social media spaces, so it’s convenient to let someone else do all the legwork. Selecting an SEO Company Once you’ve decided to outsource your SEO campaign to contractors, the next step is to choose which SEO company you trust. There are a staggering number of SEO agencies throughout the world who will be willing to take on your campaign, but do they have the qualifications and integrity required? For example, in Canada alone, there are many digital marketing companies willing to take your money. Businesses in Toronto, Scarborough, and North York needing digital marketing services will be faced with a large number of options. Of course, there is the option of hiring providers outside of the country. Deciding whom to trust with your campaign requires ample consideration and research. In your search for a reliable SEO company, consider: Cost: This depends on several factors, including the number of keywords, content word count, and the condition of your current website (among others). In Canada, average monthly rates can range from $2500 to $5000. The price in other countries (e.g. Australia and the UK) may be substantially above that margin, while others (e.g. India and the Philippines) may be less. Communication: Determine how the team communicates. Are they available when you need them? How quickly do they respond to correspondence or requests to fix issues? How often do they present their reports or updates? Branding: Ascertain the agency’s familiarity or experience with your industry. This way, your SEO efforts stay true to the brand identity of your business. You can be confident in the agency’s ability to attain your goals and communicate your vision. Otherwise, determine how much time you are willing to invest to walk them through the important aspects of your brand. Needs: Identify your goals and what your SEO needs are -- whether it’s the full package or just a small part of it (e.g. content creation or link building). Be wary of providers that: Make extravagant claims: If a deal sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Be cautious of companies who claim they can get you the "number one" spot on the search results page in a short span of time. Rely on “connections": Claiming to "know people" at Google who can boost your rankings is a sign they may not be confident in their own abilities to succeed. Additionally, search engine employees have a confidentiality agreement; so this “connection” is likely to be fabricated. Over- or under-priced services: Companies offering their services at a fraction of the market price are likely either inexperienced or provide low-quality services. On the flip side, those overpricing their services may have minimal commercial awareness. Do your research and get references before signing a contract; you don’t want to entrust your website to just anyone. All manner of businesses (from small “mom and pop shops” to large-scale enterprises) can benefit from outsourcing their SEO campaign to experts in the field. True online marketing professionals will possess the necessary staff, know-how, experience, and tools needed to run your SEO campaign efficiently and successfully. Read Also: Improve Your Domain Using These SEO Tips Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO


Improve Your Domain Using These SEO tips

If you are a website owner, it is essential that you know one thing or two about SEO. In fact, having a site that is well-placed can be considered one of the main factors that determine how many visitors you attract. Therefore, you need to have some tips that will help your website to rank on the first page of search engine results. Domain name: Let us discuss the simple things first. We will use as an example the domain In this case, “.com” is the top-level domain. This is a suffix, and it always appears at the end of a domain. Usually “.com” is the most common choice, but you will also find others such as “.org”, “.gov”, etc. The actual domain name is “business. It is unique and it will also be used for search results. The top-level domain and the domain name form together with the root domain. They represent a complete web address. Subdomains are placed in front of the root domain in our example we used “www.”, but you will also see other subdomains such as “blog.”. Finally, the protocol helps with the internet function and its role is to enable to the connection. Here, our protocol is “http”.  Choosing a domain name: It is vital that you choose a good domain name because it will add to your brand reputation and you must make sure that it will show up amongst the first search results. Your domain name should also be easy to comprehend by people, but you should keep search engine algorithms in mind as well. There are a couple of tips that can help you with that. It is important that you keep things simple so that the domain name will be memorable for your visitors. If you can, try to avoid numbers, as it might be more difficult for customers to find you. You should also make sure that there are no misspellings. Even misspelling on purpose might be a bad idea because it makes things confusing. Make sure that you are not choosing that visitors will find difficult to comprehend. You should also make sure that your domain name is not too long, as no one is willing to type a long URL. Additionally, the name should be related to the content of the website in a way. Customers will be able to associate your domain with the business in an easier manner. Using keywords: Keywords are always important when it comes to SEO. However, nowadays you can’t just build your domain around certain successful keywords. Google’s algorithms have been improved, so you’ll need to be smarter too. You should do a bit of keyword research first, and then make sure that no one else uses your idea. The keywords that you choose will help your domain to rank organically. Buy a domain: For some people, doing all this work can be a dreadful task. If you are one of those persons, worry not. You can also buy highly ranked SEO domains. You can choose between different packages and each ones comes with a different number of domain names. Read Also: 8 Reasons Your SEO Campaigns Aren’t Showing The Desired Results How To Integrate Email Marketing With SEO

SEO Campaigns

8 Reasons Your SEO Campaigns Aren’t Showing the Desired Results

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the digital marketing strategies that have been talked about for years. Established businesses on digital media swear by this strategy in boosting their web traffic, increasing visibility, and improving returns on investment. As a result, all businesses are running towards this strategy with the hope to see positive results. SEO campaigns are essential for your business to improve your business to the next level. Unfortunately, to the disappointment of many firms, SEO isn’t showing the results that they expected. This has led to great losses after spending thousands of dollars to develop a strategy that does not bear results. The question is, “Is SEO overhyped?” If not, why is it not working for your business? And what can you do to improve your SEO strategy and begin to experience positive results and increased ROI? SEO is an effective digital marketing campaign, but it only works for firms that have learned how to leverage it. In this light, here are eight reasons why your current SEO campaign isn’t bearing traffic and leads, and what you can do to realize positive results from it. Different Factors Are There Why SEO Campaigns Do Not Show The Desired Results  There are several factors are there why SEO campaigns do not exhibit the desired results all the time. Try to achieve your goals in the best possible ways. Work out the plans that can help you to achieve your goals in the correct order. 1. Your Web Design Sucks How visually appealing is your website? Do you have a professional look that would appeal to a new customer? How are the pages, posts, imagery, calls to action, and other page elements placed on your website? Does the site look busy and stuffed? When an individual visits your site, they will move on quickly if they don’t like the design and layout. This results in increased bounce rates which causes search engines to rank you at the bottom of the search page. What’s more, a poorly organized page makes it hard for search engines to crawl the site, and this results in lower rankings. You can improve your SEO strategy by taking the time to design a user-friendly website. Make sure that page elements such as the content, imagery, and CTAs are correctly placed on your site. 2. You Have Poor Content  Experts say that content is king and this statement has never been more accurate than in matters of SEO. Content is what will draw people to your site and keep them coming back. If you don’t give your readers a reason to return, they will not. What does poor content look like? First, it does not provide any useful information to the target client. Secondly, it is poorly written with an unappealing structure and poor-quality imagery. If readers find your content unattractive, they will pass by your page regardless of its ranking. Take the time to develop quality content for your readers. It should provide meaningful information that's easy to read. Use an appealing tone and organize your work into visually appealing formats. Finally, use high-quality images and video for your content. 3. You’re Targeting the Wrong Audience  SEO only works if you are targeting the correct audience. This may seem obvious, but not all businesses can accurately sift through the millions of online users and identify their target audience. For example, if you are an auto repairs company but your content leans towards the car manufacture industry, you may lose out on your target audience. Before developing an SEO campaign, identify your target audience. Strive to produce content that is directly targeted to them. For example, an auto repairs company should focus on clients who are seeking repair services and not to buy new vehicles. If you are not sure, consider seeking help from a Minneapolis SEO Expert . 4. You’re Using the Wrong Keywords  One of the top techniques in an effective SEO campaign is the use of keyword phrases. These are search terms that prospective clients feed on search engines when looking for a product or service. Note that not all keywords will guarantee success in your SEO strategy. If you use simple keywords, you will face stiff competition from other players in the industry. If you go for very narrow ones, no one will find your site. The best way to use keywords effectively is by using long-tail over short keywords. Long-tail keywords utilize a series of terms, at least two or more, that are commonly typed by readers. So instead of using “dentist” as your keyword, you would have a phrase such as “best dentist in Minneapolis.” The longer phrase has a higher chance of ranking higher and shaking off competition. 5. You Have the Wrong Priorities When employing an SEO campaign, various metrics come into play. You can choose to measure web traffic, conversion rates, bounce rates, ROI, and many others. Failure to focus on the right metrics can cause your SEO strategy to fail. Unfortunately, most businesses pay attention to the wrong metrics. For example, they will strive to increase their following on social media and their site traffic but ignore other metrics like the conversion rates. Having a large following doesn’t guarantee that they will all convert. Therefore, make sure that you are paying attention and directing your resources towards metrics that will generate returns for your business. 6. Your Conversion Rates are Low  One of the ways to know that your SEO strategy is working is when your conversion rate increases. Conversion rates go up when users take your desired call to action (CTA). It could be to sign up to your newsletter, join your email list, or buy your product. Different businesses have varying CTAs based on their needs. If your conversion rates are low, your SEO campaign is not working. To improve your conversion rates, focus on strategies that will draw and keep people on your site. Have an appealing website and ensure that your call to action is visible. The CTA should also have attractive graphics and terms – it should be like the magic button that everyone itches to click. SEO campaigns can work well in your favor as it can help your business to grow in the right direction. 7. You Have no Precise SEO Plan  What do you intend to get out of your SEO campaign? Do you have specific goals? If not, the chances are that your strategy is not targeted at anything in particular either. Lack of an actionable SEO plan will cause you to try out anything, including strategies that are doing nothing for your campaign. Come up with a practical plan of what you wish to achieve with SEO. Do you want traffic? What for? Do you want to write blog posts for your website’s blog section? What will the blogs help you achieve? Outlining your goals enables you to channel your efforts and resources towards a worthy cause. 8. Your Site is Not Mobile Responsive Search engines today are favoring sites that are mobile responsive over those that maintain a desktop view even on mobile devices. Mobile friendly sites load faster and have easy readability on phones and tablets. If your website isn’t mobile responsive, search engines will rank it lower, and this will stall your SEO dreams and goals. Develop a mobile site that will appeal to search engines and visitors. SEO works for businesses that have mastered the strategy. If your campaign isn’t working, look into these eight things and make the necessary tweaks to gain positive results from your SEO campaign. Final Take Away Hence, these are some of the core factors that can work well in your favor while you want to develop your business in the right direction. SEO Campaigns can work well in your favor when you apply the correct techniques in the proper manner. Do not lose out on the chance that can provide you the opportunity. Read Also: How To Integrate Email Marketing With SEO Two SEO Trends To Take Advantage Of In 2018 5 Ways To Improve Mobile SEO

Email Marketing

How to Integrate Email Marketing With SEO

Marketers spend countless hours making sure every piece of content they publish online is optimized. However, many marketers fail to take the time to optimize their e-newsletters. These newsletters are not published online, which means they are not indexed by search engines such as Google and Bing. But, this should not stop marketers from making an effort to integrate email marketing with SEO. Effective email marketing campaigns drive traffic, increase engagement, and lower your bounce rate, which are three factors that affect your website’s ranking. Because of this, it is important to optimize email marketing campaigns in order to improve your ranking within search results. Here’s how: Encourage Engagement: Link to some of the most recent blog posts in your e-newsletter and encourage your audience to engage with your content. How? Ask them to leave comments with their feedback, questions, and suggestions. Search engines look favorably upon websites with an engaged community of users that are commenting on posts. If you encourage your subscribers to leave comments, this could improve your website’s ranking. You should also place social share buttons next to your content and within the email campaign template so your readers can easily share your work with their followers. It’s important to encourage engagement in any way you can to boost your SEO ranking. Create Link Building Opportunities: Marketers can also use their email marketing campaigns to build inbound links, which are links to your website that are placed on other third party websites. If your inbound links are placed on relevant and trustworthy websites, this will have a positive impact on your ranking. Create link building opportunities by including links to interesting pieces of content you’ve written within your email campaign. For example, if you’ve recently published the results of a study, include a link to this page within your email newsletter. This makes it easier for someone who wants to cite your work to find the link and place it on their website. If you choose the right piece of content to promote, you should see a spike in inbound links in the weeks following your email marketing campaign. Identify New Keywords: Many companies solicit feedback from their customers using email survey campaigns. This is a great way to hear what customers really think about your business, and it can also be used to improve your SEO. How? Include a few open-ended questions so participants have to answer in their own words. The way they write these responses is probably similar to the way they would write a search query, so this is the perfect opportunity to analyze their responses to look for potential keywords. For example, a gym might realize that their customers tend to refer to their business as a fitness center or health center rather than a gym. In this case, the survey helped this business learn that targeting “fitness center” or “health center” would be a better way for them to reach their target audience. Optimizing email marketing campaigns is important, but it’s also crucial for marketers to remember the basics. Keep the subject line short and sweet, but make sure it is interesting enough to grab consumers’ attention. The campaign should also be mobile-friendly to ensure that it can be accessed by users on their smartphones or tablets. Following these simple tips will help you integrate your email marketing with your SEO strategies so you can increase your website’s visibility and your company’s bottom line! Read Also: Importance Of Web Push Notifications In Search Engine Optimization Don’t Stick To Age-Old Methods Of Marketing: These 7 Are The Best To Date!

SEO Trends

Two SEO Trends to Take Advantage of In 2018

With hundreds of factors affecting Google's search engine results, SEO is no longer a simple science. Gone are the days when you could stuff keywords in an ordinary piece of work and help your site rank high. With ever-changing rules, it is hard to master the art, unless you're working with someone like Scott Keever SEO expert. What you should understand is that the search engines are striving hard to provide their audience with the best search results, and to achieve it, they have eliminated certain ranking factors and introduced some new ones out of nowhere. It means you need to know what has stopped working and what has replaced it. You need to educate yourself about the latest trends, and two of them are mentioned below. The Evolution Of Google Serps  Even a few years ago, you wouldn't see more than a few "blue links" after searching. Things have certainly changed recently, and the Google SERPs have evolved lately to the extent that they are quickly grabbing searchers' attention. This, in turn, has helped businesses get more clicks from organic listings. With this latest trend, it is more important than ever to track your rankings in these features and keep a close eye on all those features that appear for your primary keywords. Many SEO tools are now available to help you in this regard. Many tools can help track several SERP features along with their results, which in turn will help you check the features that your keywords have triggered. Another benefit of these tools is that they help you measure the volatility of different SERP features on a regular basis, so you can easily change your strategy. Using Structured Data To Inform Search Engines What it means is that you will have to use structured data in a way that it makes it easier for Google and other search engines to interpret content. It is basically a new and more improved way to format HTML. Interestingly, Google has not confirmed that structured data can affect ranking, but the truth is that you can use it to improve your search listings, especially when you're willing to take advantage of features such as rich snippets and knowledge graph panels. Some statistics show that using the structured data correctly can help improve your CTR by 30% in most cases, and with an increase in clicks, you can see an improvement in your rankings. The fact of the matter is that changing trends in SEO has made it tricky for anyone to rank their business high, but the latest trends show that you should pounce on any opportunity that would help you stand out. That is when you can take advantage of structured data and Google SERPs changing features. If you are still not sure how to proceed, do not take chances and end up making a costly mistake. Instead, let an SEO specialist help you with everything and ensure that you keep getting the juice your website needs to rank high. Read Also : 5 Ways To Improve Mobile SEO Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO How To Monitor The SEO Health Of Your Website

Google analytics

Ways to use Google analytics to find content ideas

Data is one of the most essential aspects which is of high importance to analyze any trend or other matter. For any marketing campaign, the company relies on statistical data massively. The companies which analyze data perfectly and more efficiently are said to understand the customers better. Though data is mostly used to inform SEO, PPC or social campaigns, it can also be used to find better blog content. In today’s world, content marketing is one of the most effective online strategies and small entrepreneurs are working very hard to survive in the business world against giant companies. Thus it is evident that they should come up with new content ideas for betterment. In this article, we will see how Google analytics can be used to come up with better content ideas. Few methods to use Google analytics to find content ideas Find the popular blog types: Try to find the trending blog posts which will provide a way for new ideas for content. The most popular blog posts can be found on the dashboard of Wordpress. This will provide the benefit of knowing what is trending and anyone can plan the blog accordingly. Popular post categories: If you want to know which category of your blog is the most popular, you can know it and thus try writing on those categories for better publicity and success. Though Google Analytics does not allow you to see directly which blog categories are most viewed by default, it can be done. To do this, you need to enable custom dimension tracking on your site. This will make you see which categories of your posts are most viewed and liked. Most searched keywords: You should have high-quality content to rank well or your posts will be lost down due to changing search algorithms. It is easy to come up with some content ideas by gathering some low hanging SEO fruits. If there is any search bar on the site, you can easily look for the keywords which people search for when they look for your blogs. This will help you to write your content accordingly keeping in mind what the public is demanding, and this will bring you immense success. To do the task in Google Analytics, go to behavior > site search > Search terms to finally locate these keywords and you can plan your content accordingly. By knowing the keywords you can plan your topic and know the lags that you were having in your content before. The search term reports will also give you the idea about what the viewers are looking for and you can choose the idea of the content depending on that. Intent of keywords: Google wants to serve its users in every possible way. It provides value to its visitors and thus provides various options. If the keywords given in your post are matched by the need and intent of the users, then it will make your post more useful and will increase the rank of your page as people will start liking your post more and this will bring you success in the field. There are basically four types of keyword intent that anyone should be aware of: Navigational, Informational, Investigational Transactional. These types of keyword intent can help anyone to write posts and fix their keywords accordingly to attract more users and more readers and establish the content widely. To discover the intent of the users visiting your site, you can look for your search queries report by going to Acquisition > search console > queries. Thus it can be said that you should focus on the keywords so it can match the intent of the users and your posts can be viewed by many users. You should stick on the keyword intent type following your category and content. So, for a better result, focus on the right set of keywords and see your posts getting viewed massively and see the number of views in your posts increasing day by day. This step is very helpful for coming up with content ideas and succeeding in the field of content marketing. Advanced segment: Another most productive way to get writing ideas with the help of Google analytics is that a special question advanced segment can be created and this segment can be used to identify the question and answers of the customers. The procedure is given below: Click on advanced segment > click new custom segment> click to box next to include> find and enter keywords which will indicate a question > click “add or statement” and add another keyword that would indicate a question. This can also be helpful to get writing ideas and this will benefit any content page to succeed and establish itself remaining ahead of the others. To know about other various advantages of Google analytics which can help us to come up with various ideas can be found on the internet or contact SEO company. Google Analytics is very useful for performing various online operations and is a friend on whom we can rely on. These ideas can prove to be very helpful for the small business organizations as it may give them ideas for better contents to fight against the well-established and powerful organizations. To rank higher than others, the content should be well written and of high quality to come into consideration by the viewers and to increase the popularity of your posts. For any content management team, it is very important to take care of the keywords and the most typed words. If the keywords of the topics are matched with the searched words of the users, then there is a high chance that your post may be shown at the top rows and there is a chance that your blog will be viewed. These points will help you with ideas to write better contents with the help of Google Analytics and will bring your webpage more success and acknowledgment. Read Also : The 10 WordPress Plugins Every Successful Blogger Uses Avoid These 5 Mistakes Before Starting An SEO Oh, Crop! Killer E-Commerce Mistakes You Need To Conquer

Mobile SEO

5 Ways to Improve Mobile SEO

Statistics show that people spend a minimum of 5 hours a day on the phone. In this digital error, smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices have become more than a means of communicating with family and friends. People are increasingly using it for businesses purposes. What does this mean? There could be more people than you can probably imagine that search for your site on their phones. Look at it this way; most people get time to visit their social media pages during their commuter time or lunch breaks. While doing it, they might bump into your paid ad on Facebook; this does not mean they will have to wait until they get to their computer for them to visit your website. It is where mobile SEO comes into play. Ignoring search queries originating from mobile devices could make your scrapbook look bad. The whole idea of mobile SEO is to enable your website to rank on web searches by ensuring that the quality of the searches is top-notch. How is it done? By focusing on content visibility, loading speed and user experience to mention a few. A few tips on how to optimize mobile searches will help you a great deal in getting those conversions. Tips on how to improve mobile SEO 1. Improve your site speed : No one wants to spend his entire lunch break trying to access a website: which is why you should ensure that your site loading speed is on point: lest the user will give up and go searching for other things. Speed is a vital ranking factor: and has been for a long time now. It can be backed by studies that show that people are so quick at leaving sites that take forever to load. 2. Cut on redirects : If redirects are applied the right way, they may contribute to the excellent user experience. Redirects will enable visitors to track down your website if you deleted or moved to a particular page. However, note that redirects will slow down your page. Focus on having more direct links than infinite redirects. Also, take time to clear links that lead to dead or removed pages. 3. Use a responsive web design : What is meant by having a responsive web design? It means that development and design should be in alignment with the user’s environment and behavior. That is the screen size, orientation, and platform. The catch is that when a user switches from using a computer to a smartphone, they should not feel the impact of a change in resolution, scripting abilities, and speed. In simple terms, your website should have technologies that retort to user preferences Also, having a responsive design will make it easy for Google to understand and index your URL since your site will be living on one URL. Having a responsive web design will also save you from the hassle of developing a new design every time a new gadget is introduced to the market. 4. Straighten out your images : What does optimizing your images entail? It is all about ensuring that your images do not interfere with the loading speed of your mobile site at the same time making them easily accessible. Balancing the use of pictures on your website will have an impact on the attractiveness of your page, the performance of your page and user experience. The first step towards image optimization is by doing away with images that do not add value to your site and making the most out of the ones that will be remaining. Also, you could make use of compression tools to reduce the weight of the image and still have the quality of the pixels intact. You can make use of HTML specifications to create various surrogate photos to fit multiple viewports. Such tricks will enable visitors to have a faster loading speed at the same time have zoomed in instead of cropped out images: this is the ultimate user experience. 5. Improve legibility : There is no point in giving your visitors a hard time on your website. The most you could do is ensure that your site is readable on mobile devices. There are various techniques that you could use to make your website readable.  The first one is ensuring that you are quick to drive the point home. Will the user have to devote extra time to try to understand what your content means? Does your content give the reader any useful information? These are some of the questions that you should ask yourself. The typography of your content should make the user experience even better. On this point, you could also make use of readability tools that will help you gauge how readable your text is. You should do everything to mend your mobile website, remember that mobile is the future! Read Also : Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO How To Monitor The SEO Health Of Your Website Things To Consider While Doing SEO


Know Why Content Marketing Is Important For SEO

A company like SEO Heroes can tell you about the importance of content marketing to help your SEO campaign become a real success. However, many people think they do not need a professional's help because they can manage it on their own. The truth is that you should make no compromise over the quality of your content because it does much more than conveying your message to your audience. Here are some top reasons why content marketing is important and what role it plays in the promotion of your business. Read also: Things to consider while doing SEO You Need Content to Use Keywords One of the most important parts of running a successful SEO campaign is to find and use your primary keywords. It certainly takes time and research to identify the most suitable keywords for your business, but once you have found it, you need a way to use it sensibly. You need to write content and sprinkle those keywords in it to get SEO benefits. That is exactly where SEO Heroes Bangkok can help – they can research and find the most important keywords for your business and then create quality content to promote those keywords. You may think that you can produce content on your own, but after the new algorithmic changes, it has become more important than ever to produce quality content while maintaining the correct keyword density. Failing to do it right would keep you from getting the desired results. You Need Content to Promote Keywords in an Affordable Way Many people argue that they have seen plenty of low-quality content pieces that rank well in search engines. It is true, but it does not mean you can get the same results through substandard content. Some web pages may get good results using the social validation, but it becomes possible by lots of money and brute force. You really cannot go that way if you are a small or even medium-sized business. Quality content can help get that much-needed ranking in an affordable way. The thing is that high-quality content works because it delivers value. When people get what they are looking for, they engage with your content in a much better way. That social engagement directly helps your page rank better in search engines. Therefore, you just cannot make any compromises over quality when using content and a professional SEO company can help make it easier for you. You Need Content to Build Backlinks The quality of your content matters a lot when you want to build backlinks. Getting a popular blog or website link to your content tells Google that yours is an authority website. However, no blog or website will link back unless you populate your website with quality content. Many people think they can get quality backlinks simply by using social networking websites, but again, that is not going to work every time. Top SEO companies can help create that content and ensure that top companies link back to it. You Need to Keep Google Happy with Content One of the most important reasons to use quality content for your SEO campaign is that it keeps Google happy. You need to use images, videos, text, and everything else to satisfy Google. By creating more content, you increase your risk of getting better rankings. The idea is to give Google something to help rank your website, and that is when professional SEO companies can help. You Need to Improve User Experience One of the major SEO rankings factors is how user-friendly your website is, and that is where your content will make a difference. You have to produce high-quality website copy that engages your visitors and provides them with what they are looking for. It helps to lower your bounce rate, which also has an impact on your overall search engine ranking. The fact of the matter is that you cannot run a successful SEO campaign without paying attention to the quality of your content. Also, it is not a one-time gig – you need to produce content at regular intervals, and that is the reason why it makes sense to hire a true SEO specialist for the task. Read also: Critical Off-Page SEO Mistakes To Avoid Understanding Search Engine Optimization How to Monitor the SEO Health of Your Website

Web Host

Top 9 Factors To keep in mind before Choosing A Web Host

Making decisions while choosing your web host can be a tricky one. You may have multiple options with you and most of them claiming to have 99% uptime, knowledgeable support, and unlimited resources. This can cause confusion and there is no way to make an informed decision. After creating a professional website it is equally important to choose the right web hosting company. There may be positive as well as negative feedback about the service provider. To make yourself at ease, you should know that there are few factors by which you can decide on the web host. Even if you are using a VPS service, check if the Windows VPS has the features you need. Let us look at some of these factors. 1. Area of focus and specialties : This is an important aspect while choosing the web host. You need to make sure that the web host caters to your requirements. Some of the web host companies offer good shared plans but these plans do not suit the growing business needs. For some businesses with a small exposure, you may not need the solutions provided. This is where the company`s specialty comes in to play. Before you buy to make sure that you understand your needs and how it will be fulfilled. The reviews and recommendations can also help to understand the strength and weakness of the service provider. 2. Price : This is something that everyone looks at while choosing the web host. This should not be the deciding factor. Going for the cheapest option is not necessarily the best thing always. If you want to make money from your site, make sure that you pay for the right services. Make sure that you think about the factors which can play a role and then take a closer look at the features that each service provider has to offer. Once you have all the features in place then compare the prices of different web host companies. 3. Tech Limitations : Your website can be used for many things. You can use it for a blog, rich content, as an e-commerce site, or host videos. The cheapest hosting package will not cut the deal. The cheap hosting plan will not have the necessary RAM, disk space, and processing power. Some companies may have Technical limitations or limited after-sale support, hence it is important to understand these factors, before buying the plan. 4. Tech Support : This is an important feature which needs to be there when you buy web hosting services. Some people may also consider it as an important point. If your website is affected and goes down, it is important that you should be able to reach out to the company for support. Also, the team should be able to help resolve the issue and get the site back online quickly. You should also be aware of the reputation of the support and how you can contact them when needed. The companies which are not good with Tech support, you should stay away from them. 5. Hardware : You should be aware of the hardware the company has and the kind of machine they use. It is important because it will be the deciding factor when it comes to uptime and the performance of your site and server. 6. Add-Ons : You should be aware of the add-ons a company has to offer. These add-ons will make them more attractive while buying the services. Some of the add-ons can be energy-saving practice, data centers, data back up, and free domain privacy. If these add-ons are something that you may need or have been looking for then it will help you make the decision. 7. Reputation and Customer review : You will have to do some background checks and look into the details of the reviews posted by the earlier customers. Also, you can read the reviews on Twitter or Google.  You can see what the current and earlier customers have to say about the service provider. This is the best add-on of social media and you can even know about the company by asking more questions. You can get responses from the people and the company employees as well. 8. Scalability : This is something that you will have to keep in mind. It is important because if in future your business grows, does the hosting provider have adequate plans to support the growth. If the hosting company is good for now, it is not necessary that it will work in the future. You should look at the options if the company has VPS or Dedicated Server solutions to support the growth. Get some opinions about the scalability of the company, before you move ahead with the purchase. 9. User Interface : Having a User interface is a bonus. Even if you do not understand technology much, a user interface will help you with a lot of things. It gives you the option to install WordPress, set up emails, and accounts. These things can be done without reaching out to the service provider. Conclusion : The importance of hosting your website with the correct company is critical. Take your time and review different companies. Use all the resources and understand all the aspects, before you purchase the plan. Read Also : Things You Should Know About Web Host Providers What Makes A Web Hosting Good? Cloud Hosting: Top Five Reasons To Take Your Business To The Cloud