5 Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy That You Must Know

Published on: 19 January 2018 Last Updated on: 16 June 2021
Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy

The present medicinal analysts have discovered massage treatment can give advantages to the individuals who encounter emotional and mental health issues, for example, sadness and tension. Specialists have indicated many sorts of massage treatment can be an incredible supplement to psychotherapy for treating certain conditions.

5 Mental Health Benefits of Massage Therapy That You Must Know

Here are a few conditions massage treatment can affect:

1. Stress and Anxiety

Stress is a well-known emotional issue, and it can adversely affect many lives. Researches have demonstrated massage treatment can lessen manifestations of misery and nervousness.

At Japan’s Kyushu University, a group of specialists discovered facial massage relieved members’ physiological pain. They reasoned that massage actuated members’ thoughtful sensory system, lessening their tension and enhancing their state of mind.

Before your next massage, request that your expert enable you to pick medications alternatives that help your downheartedness, uneasiness, or some other emotional well-being issues.

2. Neurotransmitters and Hormonal Balance

Scientists have indicated massage treatment endorses neurotransmitter functions that can diminish uneasiness and lower pressure hormone levels. Specialists have discovered massage treatment affects individuals who were encountering a scope of psychological well-being issues, including melancholy, dietary problems, and tension. The examination group found around a 30% expansion in dopamine and serotonin levels in the investigation members who experienced a massage, and in addition a diminished in cortisol pressure hormone. These discoveries recommend massage was in charge of expansion in feel-great neurotransmitters and a lessening in pressure.

3. Pulse and Circulatory Problems

The right massage specialist can help bring down your pulse rate and in addition the systolic and diastolic hypertension.

An analyst at the University of South Florida considered the impacts of a back massage on the high blood pressure and discovered circulatory strain decreases in think about members who got a massage. Those admonishments keep going even after 2 days after the massage treatment was given.

On the off chance that you encounter hypertension, converse with your specialist about having massage treatment in your present treatment. In spite of the fact that massage enables many individuals to feel better, it may not be a prompted answer for everybody, particularly on the off chance that you have profound vein thrombosis. In such a situation, make a point to converse with your doctor before planning a massage arrangement.

4. Lightening Symptoms of Illness

Individuals with dangerous ailments or infections regularly encounter nervousness and misery. Massage treatment can extraordinarily build personal satisfaction, arranging for mental and physical health benefits. Numerous doctors prescribe massage as an integral treatment to therapeutic watch over its recuperating force and low frequency of reactions.

Columbia University Medical Center specialists contemplated kids with growth and discovered massage treatment oversaw many symptoms of tumor treatment, including torment, nervousness, wretchedness, hypertension, and diminished insusceptible capacity.

5. Business-related Stress in Health Care Professionals

Mayo Clinic scientists as of late examined 38 attendants who got massages once every week for about ten weeks amid working hours. The medicinal services experts who got massage treatment encountered a diminishment in many pressure-related side effects, as well as joints and muscles torment; bear the strain, exhaustion, cerebral pains, and a sleeping disorder.

Regardless of your profession, customary massage treatment can build your well being, prosperity, and stamina. Numerous associations contract massage specialists to bring down representative feelings of anxiety and enhance profitability. Not exclusively can a massage treatment can make you rest easy it can also enhance working environment effectiveness.

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Tooth Pain

6 Ways to Relieve From Tooth Pain and Sensitivity Naturally

When we take a bite, eat or chew our favourite ice cream, hot soup or juice we sometimes feel discomfort, or pain in our gums and teeth, this is called sensitivity. If you ever felt this pain into your teeth, then you're not alone. Sensitivity is now become very common almost every 6 people out of 10 are suffering from the same. It may start with the sudden temporary pain in the enamel when experience hot and cold temperature by the time it may turn into a chronic problem when it's treated. This can be caused due to many reasons but understanding the potential causes of sensitive teeth can help to cure it quickly. Ignoring it or left it untreated can worsen; as a result, it can affect your overall oral health. Here is the list of some causes of tooth sensitivity, where you can find your reason for the same: Tooth decay Using hard bristle toothbrush for brushing your teeth Consumption of Acidic and foods Tooth grinding and scrunching while you're asleep Gum diseases The habit of overeating cold and hot foods Extensive use of whitening toothpaste Dental surgery How to Take Care of Your Teeth Naturally to Avoid Sensitivity: Getting healthier, firm, white teeth is not an easy task, it takes years to achieve healthy oral health. Some of us never care about oral health, but oral health is as important as our other body organs. It's important to take the right step and follow the proper procedure to achieve excellent results. Taking care of teeth is hardly took 10-15 minutes daily. You can follow these simple steps every day to get rid of tooth pain and sensitivity naturally: 1. Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day: Brushing your teeth twice a day is a healthy habit to get healthy teeth. Using soft bristle toothbrush that fits into your mouth will help you to clean your teeth better than a large hard bristle toothbrush. Brushing your teeth after having dinner and before going to bed is very important. It prevents our teeth from the germ and avoids depositing it on the outer layer of our teeth overnight. Wash your toothbrush with water properly and replace it every three or four months. 2. Desensitising Toothpaste: Using a good quality toothbrush that contains salt, clove and mint can be a good option for brushing your teeth. Using teeth whitening toothpaste or powder contains harmful chemicals like chlorine, and fluoride can affect the outer layer of your teeth which results in causing sensitivity. You can also opt desensitising toothpaste which contains compounds potassium nitrate that blocks pains signals travelling from the nerve to our brain. 3. Opt Green Tea Instead of Coffee or Tea: Consume green tea instead of taking having tea or coffee. It plays a significant role in treating sensitivity. Green tea has many health benefits it is known for its antioxidant effects and anti-inflammatory properties which also affects our oral health. You can use green tea as a mouthwash twice a day to strengthen your teeth, reduce sensitivity and inflammation. 4. Clove & Clove Oil: People have been using clove and clove oil to cure tooth problem of thousands of years. It is a perfect ingredient used to add flavours and colour in baking muffins, and curries. It is also known for its medicinal properties. It contains a chemical called eugenol which has an anaesthetic and antiseptic propertiest that helps to prevent our teeth from infections and cure oral problems like sensitivity, gum problems, cavities etc. 5. Mouthwash: Racks in the markets are full of verities of mouthwashes it shows that mouthwashes are highly in demand these days due to its positive effects. Mouthwash is now as crucial as brushing for good oral health, but many of us skip them because we find that they don't work. But it really not the actual truth mouthwash reduce the amount of acid in the mouth, maintains the pH level of our mouth, clean the corners or the mouth where the brush can't reach, re-mineralises the teeth and gums. It also protects the outer layer of our teeth and prevents our teeth from sensitivity. It is scientifically proven that mouthwash really works for achieving good oral health. Prescription mouthwash is also available in the markets. 6. Visit your Local Dentist Twice or Thrice a Year: Our teeth are a very significant part of our body, brushing your teeth every day and taking care of overall oral health is a healthy habit. Still, it's essential to visit your local dentist for at least cleansing or just for a regular checkup will help you to know more about your oral health. A well-experienced dentist removes calculus and look for cavities and also offer you more treatment solutions to achieve good oral health.  You can easily find a local dentist on Google or you can consult your neighbors for better assistance. Read Also: 5 Ways To Prevent Severe Dental Problems The Differences Between A Dentist And An Orthodontist


8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness

The holiday season is officially over, which means it’s time to start working off some of the extra pounds you picked up at mom’s house. While people generally love the idea of looking like the dudes who do commercials for home-exercise equipment, most of us still hate working out and dieting. If you are one of them, don’t worry. There are a ton of startups offering the kind of motivation you need in the form of mobile apps. Such apps use activity tracking as well as fitness and health risk assessment apps. Today we’ll be exercising our startup muscles by taking a look at some of these young companies and what makes them tick. 8 Motivations to Start Up Health & Fitness: Fitness gamification is huge right now, which makes sense given that it adds a much-needed dimension of play to the arduous task of getting fit. A great example of fitness gamification is Tep, which is basically a cross between a fitness tracker and a Tamagotchi; though, in the case of Tep, the star is a niftily-designed giraffe rather than a globular cluster of black pixels. The more a user exercises, the better the giraffe does (users can buy their long-necked pets treats with rewards points they earn from walking, running and cycling). If users slack off, though, it’s curtains for the poor creature. According to the app’s creators, a group of five super-talented self-starters from Szeged, Hungary, «Tep’s competitive edge relies on emotional connection and the mental „threat“ that the beloved pet might suffer from the lack of proper physical activity and thus offers a solution for curve fatigue effect.» Does that sound a little dark? Sure. But it’s for a good cause. The founding team’s goal is to help users lose eight million pounds of fat in the next three years; there’s also talk of buying a giraffe. The founding team built Tep on their own time and dime, but are currently funded by Traction Tribe and prizes from Microsoft’s Imagine Cup. Tep is available in beta for Android and Windows phones, with an iOS version coming soon. Wokamon If you like the idea of a digital workout buddy helping you toe the line, but giraffes aren’t really your thing, then you might dig Wokamon, which comes to us from Mars Zhu and Hazim Abdul Hamid of Noodum. Wokamon features dozens of animated monsters that get bigger and stronger as you do. Since it comes with a pedometer and syncs with wearables like Jawbone, Fitbit, and Up, you can be sure that every calorie burned gets counted and fed to your growing army of critters. Connecting with friends on social media through Wokamon earns you reward points, which you can burn on unlocking new creatures. Noodum and Wokamon are currently being funded by an $18,000 seed investment from Manchester Metropolitan University’s Innospace Incubator. Gamified fitness apps like Wokamon and Tep have a lot of options when it comes to future monetization. They can either take the Zombies, Run! The approach of charging for downloads (which works if you’re as niche and well-made as that app) or offer in-app purchases for things like new backgrounds, characters, or crystals and boosters for your pet monsters. For now, though, we can take advantage of both Tep and Wokamon for free. Teamster Teamster is an iOS app that, contrary to its name, has absolutely nothing to do with trucking. What teamster does do, though, is help you connect with other people in your area who are interested in the same sorts of athletic activities as you. Conveniently, users are able to identify which sports they like and their level of skill in each on a scale of 1 to 5, which means you won’t be totally outmatched when you meet up for a game with other users. When you find another user who shares your interests and skill set, swipe right in the app to add them to your team. Sounds like Tinder is ubiquitous, doesn’t it? Users can then create activities for other users or teams to join. Teamster comes to us from the Melbourne based duo of Henry Chan and 22-year old Sam McCallum, who has a background in competitive running, cycling, and skiing. Actually, 2015 is shaping up to be an awesome year for apps that bring social networking logic to the gym. Take Boston-based Perspyre, for example, which is coming out soon with a beta version for Android and iOS. The whole point of Perspyre is connecting people who love to sweat and giving them access to workouts, advice, and motivation. Users can log into the app via Facebook and take post-workout selfies, record workouts, and brag about new personal records. Though it’s admittedly a little intense for beginners, Persypre is perfect for those who are already «motivated and dedicated» enough to willingly visit Crossfit and P90x classes. Perspyre is the brainchild of Jason Chisholm and Jeremy Mays and has received $25,000 in seed funding from John Piret of the investment firm Newbury Piret & Co. If Perspyre sounds like it’s right up your alley, keep an eye out for the soon-to-be-launched SternFit iOS app which also gives workout buffs a great platform for sharing pics, tips, and workouts. Rocket Journey If your meteoric rise to peak physical perfection is still in the launch phase, you’ll find a helpful companion in RocketJourney, which bills itself as the «smartest and friendliest way to a fitness lifestyle.» The app’s founding trio of Carlos Ayala, Pablo Artee, and Ernesto Cambuston has received funding from 500 Startups, the seed fund and startup accelerator comprised of Google and PayPal alums. RocketJourney tracks all of your fitness activities from cycling to yoga to lifting to competitive eating — just kidding about that last one — and verifies that you’ve actually worked out through GPS and wearables integration. The app motivates you to stick to your fitness regime by giving you points for completed workouts and taking away points for missed ones. The same logic holds true for user-created «teams» which add the pinch of peer-pressure that it just might take to keep you on track. You can register for updates on RocketJourney’s release on the website. OneSet OneSet — «Vine for Fitness» — is another promising app to stay tuned for in the months to come. Users can create 15-second videos demonstrating an exercise or «stack» other users’ videos into workouts. Since videos are organized by muscle group or goal, it’s easy to find the right moves for you. OneSet’s founding team is based in Waterloo, Canada, and consists of brothers Amad and Shameel Abdullah, as well as full-stack developer George Xu. GYM radio Sometimes all it takes to reach the athlete within is finding the right music to sweat to, or the right gym to do it in. Though GYM radio’s online music streaming service has been around since 2013, its new iOS, Android, and Windows phone releases have made it easier than ever to get amped up and pumped up at the same time. The app features three music settings — cardio, gym, and hardcore-tailored to give your workout the right feel. Here’s the best part: GYM radio is completely ad-free, which means your runners high won’t get interrupted by voice-actors pitching toothpaste or discount car insurance. GYM radio also offers a premium upgrade which, for a monthly or yearly subscription, will let you listen offline, skip songs, and get access to material unavailable on the standard version. Gymhopper Gymhopper — «Uber for gyms»- is a Swiss startup that aims to help you find the right gym by offering its users discounted individual training passes. Gyms benefit from the app by getting a little extra exposure as well as a shot at their target market, people who are actively searching for a new place to get sweaty. Gymhopper is currently in series A fundraising but expects an iOS release later this year. What can fitness startups learn from RunKeeper? Figuring out how to actually make money with your app is a problem that can plague even the biggest of startup fish. Each of the aforementioned apps will have to figure out the right monetization strategy for their product and user-base. One good model employed by the leading fitness tracker RunKeeper is to partner with other businesses to provide sponsored advertising to users. That means Teamster’s users could theoretically get discounts on Nike products for showing up at local softball games, and Perspyre users could get 25% off gym memberships for visiting p90x classes 3 times a week. There are a lot of good ways to get back in shape, and a lot of good startups out there creating more every day. Read Also: 8 Fitness Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better How Do I Get Back In Shape? Fitness Experts Share Their Tips!


10 Weird Facts About Antidepressants

People are working longer hours, have less time with family, and are constantly battling stressful situations. In addition, being constantly inundated with the news through social media can make anyone depressed. There's not enough time for daily yoga and meditation. As a result, many of us are turning to antidepressants to get us through these stressful times. But antidepressants come at a cost, and it's important to know all the facts. Some of these facts aren't common knowledge, and often your doctor won't even discuss them before prescribing antidepressants. Here are 10 weird facts about antidepressants that will surprise you. 1. We Don't Know How Antidepressants Work: Antidepressants have been around for a long time, and yet, we still don't know exactly how they work. And since everybody's depression is different, we don't know how well they work for varying degrees of depression or if they sufficiently treat depression at al. In fact, we don't even know if they're safe for long-term use. 13% of Americans take antidepressants, some for other illnesses like anxiety and fibromyalgia. Yet studies -- mostly paid for by pharmaceutical companies -- include only a few thousand people. Many of us have been told that depression is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, but we don't really know if that's true either. What most studies look at is our brain's level of serotonin. However, neither lowering nor increasing the level of serotonin in the brain reduces the symptoms of depression. If low levels of serotonin were the cause of depression, then antidepressants wouldn't take several weeks to work. They would work immediately, or at least within a few days, once the levels of serotonin increase. But they don't. Another interesting fact about antidepressants is that some don't even increase serotonin and still work as well as any other antidepressant. 2. All Antidepressants Are Equally Effective: It's a known fact about antidepressants that pharmaceutical companies spend a lot of money pushing one pill over another. Doctors aren't pharmacists and tend to push whatever antidepressants they're most familiar with. At times, they're buddies with the pharmaceutical sales rep. A fact about antidepressants is that there's no evidence that one antidepressant is more effective at treating depression than another. What a person needs to weigh is the cost and side effects, which can vary greatly from one person to another. There are over 30 different kinds of antidepressants available. They all work on different parts of the brain, inhibiting or increasing receptors of certain hormones. They have different side effects, and they all are equally effective. Sometimes they work, and sometimes they don't. 3. They Don't Work Immediately: All antidepressants take several weeks before they're fully effective. It can take anywhere from two weeks to a month before you know if it's the right antidepressant for you. One unfortunate fact about antidepressants is that many people have to cycle through several kinds of antidepressants, suffering from a variety of side effects before they find the right one. That's a long time for trial and error. And eventually, the effectiveness wears off over time. Many people build up a tolerance, and signs of depression return. Then you need to try a different antidepressant, and the trial and error process begins again. This could make anyone depressed. Fortunately, there are other treatments like TMS which don't require you to take any medication at all. 4. Dosage Makes No Difference Either: Many doctors start their patients off with a low dose and then gradually increase over time. There's no evidence that this is necessary or that higher dosages are more effective. Since this is the case, you're better off taking a low dose and having less negative side effects. It's a myth that a person will get better quicker if they are on a higher dosage of an antidepressant. 5. Antidepressants Can Help Your Sex Life: It is a pretty well-documented fact about antidepressants that one side effect is a lowered sex drive. That said, depression itself can lower your sex drive too. Interestingly, this low-libido side effect can have its benefits by helping men with premature ejaculation. Antidepressants can delay ejaculation, and for men who suffer from premature ejaculation, the delay can be a big help. One study found that men who took an SSRI a couple of hours before intercourse had longer ejaculation times compared to the placebo group. 6. Animals Get Depressed Too: Americans spend an estimated $15 million a year on medication for their depressed cats and dogs. Depression symptoms for animals aren't too different than those for people, so it's fairly easy to detect. However, it's difficult to treat animals with therapy. Instead, some veterinarians are treating pets with antidepressants. Zoo animals are on antidepressants too. They are being used to treat everything from aggression to obsessive-compulsive disorder. 7. You'll Feel Worse at First: Not only do antidepressants take a while to kick in, but your symptoms may be exacerbated. It's not uncommon for you to feel more tired, less hungry, less ambitious, and sadder. Things will get better. It just takes a while. In addition, the side effects don't help either. This is why doctors usually start a person off with a low dose, to reduce the intensity of side effects, before they find the right medication and dose. 8. Antidepressants Can Be Harmful: Antidepressants come with a long list of side effects, many of which mirror the symptoms of depression, lethargy, insomnia, nausea, anger, violence, and even suicidal thoughts. The side effects can sometimes be more debilitating than the illness it's treating. A person needs to seriously weigh the pros and cons. Often a person can mistake a side effect of the medication as a symptom of depression. Since we don't know how the drugs work, it's hard to know. Another fact about antidepressants is that once you start, it's not safe to quit cold turkey. A person should wean off of them slowly, and many aren't willing to do this. Quitting antidepressants quickly can be dangerous. 9. You Can Overdose on Antidepressants: Too much of a good thing can be too much. As mentioned, more isn't always better, but often people have prescribed higher doses of antidepressants anyway. You can overdose on antidepressants, and the symptoms of overdosing on them aren't always obvious. Zoloft overdose symptoms can include lethargy and nausea, which may be confused with ordinary side effects. Other, less obvious overdose symptoms include high blood pressure or inflammation of the pancreas, which can be mistaken for a cold or flu. However, if a person seems agitated, confused, or is vomiting, that's not normal. If someone taking antidepressants has these symptoms or becomes incoherent or unresponsive, call a doctor immediately A Zoloft overdose also can lead to a life-threatening condition called serotonin syndrome. Serotonin syndrome can occur when dangerously high levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin build up in the brain. 10. Antidepressants Can Interact with Other Drugs: It's very important to tell the doctor prescribing antidepressants if you're taking other drugs. It's also essential that you're honest about your use of recreational drugs and alcohol. All of these can have harmful interactions with antidepressants. Don't ever share your medication with anyone, especially if you don't know what other medications they might be taking or if they are using recreational drugs. Interactions can be deadly. Facts About Antidepressants Revealed Now that you know more about antidepressants, you can make a well-informed decision about taking them. Depression is debilitating, and some people battle with the disease their whole lives. For some, antidepressants are a last resort, and for others, they're hoping for a temporary solution that will give them an opportunity to have a better perspective. No matter the reason, there is no shame in being depressed or needing treatment. However, there are other methods of treating depression that can be used in conjunction with medication, such as therapy, exercise, diet, and natural remedies. Many of these have been proven to be equally effective. For more great articles about staying healthy, visit our blog. Read Also : 3 Ways To Connect With Nature And Quiet Your Mind Your Guide To HRT For Men All That You Need To Know About Dandy-Walker Syndrome