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Lose Weight

Shocking Expert Tips on How to Lose Weight Without Exercise

It's that time of year again when you know with every delicious morsel you put in your mouth, you're going to regret it come January 1. Different ways you can lose weight can help you to achieve your objectives. That's what New Year's resolutions are for, right? As soon as you're done celebrating the New Year with the champagne and hors-d'oeuvres, you'll be ready for the gym! At least, that's what you're telling yourself. You and 45% other adults in America. The truth is, 80% of those gym memberships everyone signs up for on January 2nd don't get much use past May. Going to the gym takes a lot of work. You have to find a time when you're not at your actual job or running your kids around town. It's just not possible for some people. So, how do you lose weight without buying expensive elliptical machines or showing up to the gym at midnight? If you're already stressing about how to lose weight without exercise, we've got some tips below that will help. How to Lose Weight Without Exercise: Losing weight without exercising sounds impossible. After all, that's what your doctor always says: "Get more exercise!" While we all know that's how you lose weight, there are alternatives that don't involve starving yourself. In fact, if you're lean already and just have some pesky belly fat to get rid of, starving yourself can actually lead to weight gain. Plus, it's really unhealthy to do that. Here are some healthy ways to lose weight without exercise. Eat More Fiber Fad diets also aren't the best idea. But, a change in your overall eating habits with help you lose weight. The easiest change is to add more fiber to your daily diet. Even Harvard agrees and you definitely trust those super-smart folks, don't you? Adding soluble fiber like oatmeal, beans, peas, fruits, and vegetables will help you lose belly fat. But, you'll also have a healthier digestive tract and gut bacteria. Your blood sugar levels will also be better regulated and you'll have great skin. Eat Slower Some experts believe that chewing slowly will help you lose weight. The school of thought is two-fold. First, they allege you take in fewer calories by chewing your food until there are no more lumps. Second, it will help you eat less. There's actually a third benefit. Eat slower means you'll enjoy your meal more. Especially those yummy fruits and veggies! Plastic Surgery This may be a little more extreme than you were looking for. But, there are procedures that are minimally-invasive like body contouring. This is great if you have specific areas you want to target. It's also safe with little side effects. If this option interests you, make sure you read more about it so you understand everything involved. Get More Sleep This is going to sound like music to your ears (or, in this case, eyes) but sleeping more can help you lose weight. The way it works is pure science. Having a regular sleep schedule -- which means being in bed at the same time every night and up at the same time every morning -- keeps your circadian rhythm in check. Your circadian rhythm is one of the most important factors when it comes to the health of your hormones. This affects your body's metabolic rate and its ability to lose weight and keep it off. The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults sleep between seven and nine hours every night. There's a magic number for everyone and you know when you're at your best. The key is consistency. If eight hours is your ideal sleep time, stick to it -- even on the weekends. Too much sleep can make you feel groggy and too little will make you feel like an extra from The Walking Dead. Say Bye-Bye to Belly Fat: You now have some tips on how to lose weight without exercise. Some of these may be a little more extreme than others, but you won't need a gym membership or two extra hours in your busy day. You just need to improve your eating habits, which includes avoiding certain foods. Whatever you do, don't stress over it. That can lead to weight gain, too. For more tips on health and fitness, check out our other posts on our lifestyle blog. Read Also: Lose Weight: What Is The Best Way To Lose Weight? If You’ve Reached A Weight Loss Plateau, Fix Your Sleep

Mobile Phone

Reduce Your Exposure to Radiation When Using Your Mobile Phone

You need to use your phone all the time. You are aware that it is not healthy to use it for several hours, but you can’t help it. Smartphones allow you to do almost anything using your phone. Before, phones were only for calling and texting. Now, you can use your phone for banking, shopping, social media posting, advertising, networking, and many other things. There is also a growing number of apps that may be useful to you. The problem with the use of your phone, continually, is that you run the risk of exposure to radiation. Since you can't stop yourself from using your phone, there are ways to use it without increased radiation exposure. Use a headset If you are calling someone, you can use a headset or a speakerphone, so you don't put your device directly on your ear. You might notice that phones get hot when used continuously for hours. It shows that the phone is giving off high levels of radiation. However, if your phone is far away from you as you are using a headset, it limits the impact of radiation. Keep your phone in your bag It is not a good idea to put your phone in your pocket as it is directly in contact with your body. You can use your bag or purse to keep your phone when not in use. Your body tissues might easily absorb phone radiation if the phone is too close. Think about texting instead of talking Instead of having a long conversation over the phone, you could chat with another person. You will still get the same information anyway. When texting, your phone is at least a few inches away from your head. Besides, when you call someone, you tend to talk about things that are unnecessary. Texting allows you to limit the conversation as it can be tiring to keep answering. Avoid calling when the signal is weak Don't force yourself to contact someone when your signal is inadequate unless the call is for emergency reasons. When the signal is weak, the phone will keep emitting radiation as it tries to make a connection. You are increasing exposure to radiation if you keep doing it. Also, when the phone on the other end is still ringing, you don't need to put your phone to your ear. Wait until the other party answers before you start talking. Talk less If you can, you need to find a way to reduce the use of your phone. It might seem impossible, but you can do it. When you don't use your phone often, you won't have to deal with these radiation issues. You can also set a rule regarding screen time to force yourself to unplug once in a while. Use EMF protection You can use protective devices like EMF protection jewellery to block the radiation from entering your body. Even if your phone is around, or any other electronic devices for that matter, you stay protected. You need to do something about radiation exposure now before it is too late.

hair loss

Dealing with the Psychological Impact of Alopecia

Alopecia is a chronic disease that can lead to partial or, more frequently, complete hair loss. It is a disease that affects both men and women, and individuals of all ages.  Despite it being a common and wide-reaching disease, very little is known about alopecia. It has no known cause and no known cure for example. Many people, particularly women, find that wearing ladies' wigs helps with alopecia by enabling them to hide their hair loss and maintain their former identity. Some people choose not to cover their hair loss, owning their baldness as a new part of who they are. There is no right or wrong answer. One thing that we do know for sure is that although alopecia is a physical disease, it can have a profound impact on the mental health of those who suffer from it. Struggling with alopecia and the impact this is having on your mood and your sense of self.  Here are some handy hints to help you deal with the psychological impact of alopecia: What is the Psychological Impact of Alopecia? Studies have shown that around forty percent of women who suffer from alopecia experience some form of social problems as a result of the depression and anxiety they experience because of their condition. These social problems can include issues within their marriages, families and friendship groups. The problem worsens in the workplace, with 63 percent of women reporting career-related issues as a direct or indirect result of their alopecia.  Other psychological problems that sufferers of alopecia are more prone to experiencing include depression, anxiety, and social phobias. Because alopecia is classed as a disfiguring disorder (one that permanently changes your appearance) it stands to reason that some individuals may have to deal with ongoing feelings of loss for their hair as well as issues relating to their self-identity and any changes of confidence that may come with this. It’s important to remember that whilst alopecia doesn’t cause any physical pain, it does lead to emotional and psychological pain and these symptoms should be taken just as seriously. Alopecia is a very serious condition that can completely change your life, and it is important to take the time to acknowledge this and to grieve for your former self, and for the hair that you have lost if you think that this will be helpful for you. What Can You Do? Struggling to cope with the psychological impact of having alopecia? This is completely normal, but there are some things that you can do that will help you to deal with the transition a little better. Firstly, if you think you may be suffering from depression then it’s important to seek help and support. Signs of depression include feeling sad, anxious or empty inside. Lossing interest or pleasure from hobbies and other activities that you used to enjoy. Difficulty sleeping, making decisions or engaging with others. Changes to your weight or appetite. Thoughts of death, suicide, or a general feeling that the world would be better without you in it. The first thing you should do if you experience any of these symptoms is to both talk to those around you and seek the support of your GP. Don’t try to deal with depression alone: the more you can share your feelings with others, the easier your condition will be to treat. If you are struggling to deal with the changes to your self-identity then one solution is to start wearing a wig. Modern wigs are not the ugly, itchy things they were twenty years ago: in fact, many modern wigs are so realistically constructed that no one would ever know you were wearing one. This may help you to feel like your old self and give you the confidence boost you need to go out, socialize, and otherwise live a normal life. It doesn’t matter whether you choose to wear a wig or not. But if you would like to meet with and talk to other people who know exactly what you’re going through then you may find it helpful to join an alopecia support group. You will find alopecia support groups in most major towns and cities across the UK: if you’re struggling to find one then your GP may be able to offer advice. These groups are a wonderful way to learn more about your condition, build a new social circle, and gain the support of individuals who really understand what you’re going through. Read Also: Fue Hair Transplant. All You Need To Know How To Pick The Right Hair Brush For Different Hair Types Top 5 Foods For Healthier And Thicker Hair

Yoga at Home

How to Make Doing Yoga at Home Interesting

While doing yoga at home is extremely convenient, a daily practice can become stifled over time and feel just as exciting as doing the dishes. The good news is there are several things you can do to spice up yoga sessions and get enough motivation to have a steady home practice. Here are some useful ideas. Sanctify a Spot You’re much more likely to stay committed to your home practice if you have a space that’s dedicated to yoga. Choose a specific spot in your home and reserve it specifically for your practice. Declutter it by removing items that are non-yoga related. You won’t fully concentrate on yoga if you can see a stack of emails, books, or toys. Don’t forget to move around furniture and objects that can hinder your stretches during asanas. Space needs to set the tone for your practice, so decorate it with intention. Candles, fresh flowers, and small statues are some of the decorative pieces that can transform your space into a little studio you’ll love and crave to be in. Change the Setting What if you already have a dedicated spot for doing yoga but are finding practicing there less exciting? Well, alter the setting. If you practice in the same place every day, the familiar surroundings can trigger a thought pattern that allows boredom to set in. If you usually practice without mirrors, incorporate them into your space. They’ll help you perfect your alignment. If you usually use mirrors, eliminate them. Take the chance to tap more into your instincts and focus on creating a more intense connection to your breath and self. A fantastic idea to break monotony is taking your yoga practice outside. Mother Nature has a unique way of awakening the senses, replenishing depleted energy, and reigniting your love for the practice. Be Flexible With Time You’ll get maximum benefits from yoga if you practice consistently. However, consistency doesn’t imply having a set time for practice. You can practice yoga at any time and still reap its benefits. The important thing is to set aside time each day and require a minimum session duration for yourself, for example, 20 minutes in the morning or evening. Flexibility with time allows you to attend to your family or work or catch your best TV show without feeling any guilt. For many people, the ideal time for practice is late evening or early morning. Just be sure to tailor your routine to the specific time of day you choose to practice. For example, morning sessions are better if they include plenty of hip, chest, and shoulder openers. For evening sessions, end them with supine twists and an extended savasana, which will slow your systems down for sweeter slumber. Spice Your Style The beauty of doing yoga at home is that you can choose to practice any style you want. There are countless online classes to give you insights into different yoga styles. If you feel your current style is missing something, don’t be afraid to switch or mix it up. Look for a new style that interests you and incorporates it into your practice. A great way to take stagnation out of your sessions is by occasionally throwing in new and challenging asanas to your routine. Believe it or not, all the falling and failing as you attempt new balance poses or handstands will make your sessions more purposeful and engaging. The challenges will give you something to look forward to and work towards. Upgrade Your Yoga Tools New tools can put the fun back in your yoga practice. There are countless tools and toys you can purchase to benefit your practice, including a new mat, yoga wheel, yoga swing, mala beads, singing bowls, crystals, and essential oils. An essential oil diffuser combined with relaxing music and the rosy glow of a salt lamp or candlelight can increase mindfulness and transform your practice. Just make sure you check the reviews of different types of essential oil diffusers so that you can choose the right one for your home yoga space. Create a Family Yoga Practice Yoga is for everyone regardless of his or her size or age. Taking the time to explore the breathing exercises and poses can create a deeper bond between family members in addition to providing healthy fun, greater calm, and spiritual connectivity. Family yoga should involve lots of creative play, laughter, and physical and verbal interaction. For even more fun, parents can allow kids to climb under, around, or on top of them as they practice. Yoga helps keep your mind and body healthy. With these tips, you’ll stay happy, balanced, and consistent in your home practice. Read Also: The Miraculous Benefits Of Aqua Yoga Yoga For Pregnant Women Follow These 5 Yoga Poses To Reduce Stubborn Belly Fat

Skirt Season

Get Ready for the Skirt Season

Your legs are one of your best physical assets, and one (that is, two) of the very symbols of feminine power. When it comes to strength and sexiness, having a great set of pins gives you confidence when you are naked, or just when you want to show off enough to get heads turning. Of course, a great pair of legs is not just a gift for some women – and if you are not super blessed, you can still earn slender legs and knees.The skirt season is on a hype and you need to prepare yourself for that in advance. It is too easy to fall into the glum state where you feel like you “just don't have it” or it “isn't meant to be.” But this is silly! Every woman can have a great body all around, including spots where you might not realize you can trim down, like your knees. This is not a fairy tale. It is not something you can put off. The weather might warm up and the sun might come out tomorrow. So why not look your best? What Are The Benefits You Can Get From Skirt Season  There are several benefits of making the proper usage of the skirt season you have to make sure that you do not fall in a trap. The Myth of Targeted Fat Loss: There is a myth going through the fitness community that if you do this or that exercise, you can achieve the target fat loss. Unfortunately, this is one aspect of your fitness journey that really is genetic in nature. Some people lose weight in their stomach first, some in their legs first, some in their face first. Some unlucky gals even lose breast tissue (which is technically fat) before they shed weight anywhere else. The trick here is to just stick it out. Keep moving forward. It can be disheartening when you have lost weight everywhere except where you really want to. But then, the overall weight loss is great for you in a lot of ways. If your legs are normally your last place to pour off the pudge, keep going and you’ll experience success. It will just take longer. Accept this fact. Accept that you’ll sometimes get frustrated and upset about it. But then, it won't be as bad. Hard Cardio: If you have ever heard of HIIT, keep in mind that this is a great way to take your burning of fat into the fifth gear. High-intensity interval training is basically moments of heavy cardio, followed by short rest periods. If you are in good enough shape to handle these kinds of classes, they are worth taking the time for. These blow long slow distance (otherwise known as the less enjoyable form of LSD) out of the water because of the sheer intensity, and the fact those 15 minutes of HIIT can accomplish more for you than an hour of LSD. Building Some Muscle: Many women are reluctant to lift weights unless it is in a cardio set. Part of this is because it seems dominated by men. Another part of it is because some people think it “doesn't look feminine.” Being female, you’re not going to lift weights and start looking like Arnold. What you’ll find is that every pound of muscle you build is an extra 50 calories a day you burn, just by living. Put on 5 to 10 pounds of muscle. That would be a huge boost to helping you lose your fat knees. The skirt season is all that one should be aware off while developing the health status of her body. Read Alos: 7 Ways To Kick Off Your Fitness Routine 5 Ways You Can Be Inhibiting Your Fitness

Stress Relief

Art Activities for Stress Relief

Many artists use art not only to express their ideas and thoughts but also to relieve stress. Artists claim that creating art can provide a catharsis for difficult emotions, distract you from your worries and much more. Also, getting into the state of “flow” can also be restorative for your mind. As all the mentioned benefits aren’t enough, you will get a beautiful piece of art in the end. It is essential to know that art shouldn’t be created and enjoyed only by those who are talented or artistically inclined. Art should be created and enjoyed by everyone. Studies show that art therapy can help you relieve anxiety, depression, and stress. So, if you are feeling tense and need a natural and fun way to unwind, it’s time to get some brushes, colors and a canvas and delve into an art activity. Here are some great art ideas for stress relief recommended by Mac Fine Art galleries. Create Something Beautiful: Some people are deeply talented and able to create lifelike paintings, funny cartoons, powerful drawings and similar with ease. Other people may even experience difficulties trying to draw stick figures and hearts. If you are like one of the latter, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try art therapy. In fact, when it comes to stress management and enjoying the benefits of art, talent or the end product don’t matter at all. It’s all about the process of creating art and expressing your feelings. However, if you are not comfortable expressing yourself through a drawing, you could create something that’s just for you in your own personal drawing journal. You don’t have to show it to your friends or someone else. Create Your Own Mandala: Art therapists and even many famous psychologists such as Carl Jung have recommended creating mandalas for stress relief. Mandalas are circular designs that often consist of unique patterns and symbols. While making a mandala, you will process your feelings or things you went through in your life. It’s an excellent idea to symbolize some of your feelings, triumphs or losses with unique patterns and colors. There is no need to reveal your story because you may potentially trigger rumination. You just need to root yourself in the moment and allow the entire process to free yourself from negative thoughts or heal yourself from negative emotions. Your mandala can look however you want it. It can be rich with meaning or very basic. All you need to do is have fun. After you are done with drawing, you should also color it. If you really enjoy coloring mandalas but no so much the process of creating them, you can buy mandala coloring books. Join an Art Class: If you have enough time, it would be great to join an art class. One of the benefits of attending an art class is that it cements the activity into your schedule and routine. Also, being supported by a group can be a stress reliever in itself. If you don’t have enough time for this, consider taking a one-time workshop or something similar. Consider all your options and see what works best for you. You Can Always Doodle: If you don’t have much time for art classes or creating a complex painting at home, you can always dedicate 20 minutes of your time for a drawing session. Remember how you doodled at school when you were bored? It really felt good, right? It’s time to embrace your inner doodler again! You can get a sketchbook for 5-minute doodles, and keep it somewhere handy. If you love writing a journal, don’t forget to beautify the margins with hearts, flowers, smiling faces or whatever else you want. Doodling will let your inner artist slowly come out whenever you have time, and just enjoy life. Read Also: 5 Ways College Students Can Minimize Back To School Stress How Stress During Studies Can Affect The Health Of Your Children?

Mattress Cause Back Pain

Can a Mattress Cause Back Pain?

Unfortunately, back pain is common that we start treating it as a normal part of our daily life. However, back pain, as well as any other pain, should not be tolerated or ignored. Many people have problems with back pain at night or in the morning after they wake. What’s the cause of this? Is it your sleep position? Or maybe your mattress? Is Your Mattress The Cause of Your Back Pain? The first step in treating back pain is to identify its source. However, that’s not always as easy as it sounds. The pain can be caused or aggravated by multiple factors. Typically, factors that contribute to back pain the most are age, old injuries flaring up and an inactive lifestyle. Sometimes, jumping into a new exercise or activity can also cause back pain. In most cases, we are all aware of the factors mentioned above. However, there are also some factors that many people ignore or just overlook. For example, if you wake up every morning in pain, there is a huge possibility your mattress causes the pain. Sleep experts and mattress specialists, in fact, say that your bed should be your first suspect if you can’t sleep comfortably at night. After all, since we spend approximately one-third of our lives sleeping, we should be aware that mattresses wear off over time and require replacement. Also, your sleep habits change as you age, and what worked for you when you were young, may not suit your sleeping needs today. However, the good news is that if your mattress is at the root of the problem, you can quickly address it by getting a new one. With so many models out there, it may be rather hard to select a new bed. Fortunately, Counting Sheep can help you! Counting Sheep’s experts have spent years of researching different mattress types and people’s sleeping needs and created an unbiased mattress guide that will definitely help you make any mattress related decision with quickly and with ease. With their guide, you won’t have to worry about mattress related back pain anymore, and you will wake up every morning feeling refreshed and pain-free. How to Determine if My Mattress is Causing My Back Pain? Use the following checklist to determine whether your mattress is most likely the source of your pain and discomfort. Take notes where and when the pain appears: If it’s mattress related, it is generally muscular. Your bed is the one to blame if you wake up in the morning stiff and achy, but feel better as the day goes on. The pain is also relieved by stretching, yoga or light exercising. Symptoms are typically present to the middle back or lower back. Consider the age factor: If your mattress is more than seven years old, it will most likely cause back pain. Years of usage lead to wear and tear, and your body will definitely feel it. Also, keep in mind that your body changes as you age and that now you may have different sleep needs or preferences. Look for sagging spots: If your mattress is sagging, your spine won’t be properly aligned during sleep which will cause back pain. Your spine has to be in a neutral position, and not curving down. Listen to your body: If you feel lumps or springs poking you when lying down, there is a good chance your bed is contributing to your back pain. Check your bed after vacation: When you sleep somewhere else than your bed, you recognize right away if the mattress is saggy, lumpy or simply too hard. Since most of us keep our bed longer than we should, we are used to sleeping on a less-than-optimal surface. After a vacation, your mattress will feel a little less familiar than before, and this is the perfect time to conduct another evaluation test. Read Also: 12 Secret Methods Of Chi Machines Domination Bed Time Yoga To Sleep Well

Releasing Stress

Releasing Stress Even if You Don’t Leave Home

You don’t need to go elsewhere if you feel like you want to release stress. At home, you can do things to help you forget what stresses you out. Don’t let stress consume you. It is possible to suffer from illnesses because you can’t manage your stress levels. These are great ideas you can do now. Meditate: Meditation helps in releasing anxiety. You need a few minutes of meditation each day to clear your thoughts. Several things consume your mind, both positive and negative. When you meditate, you forget all of them, and you start over again. It is quite simple to meditate as there are different strategies to follow. The easiest one is to sit with both of your feet on the floor. You may also walk around focusing only on your steps, and not on anything else. It might be difficult to concentrate at first, but once you get the hang of it, you will love regular meditation. Reach out: You don't need to bear your cross alone. Some people can help you deal with your problem. Reach out to them via social media. Give them a call if need be. Let them know that you have a problem, and ask if they are willing to listen. Talking to them allows you to have a better perspective on life. Real friends will be there for you. It is not even a requirement for them to tell you what to do. Having someone listen to you when you are down is sometimes enough. Try to decompress: You can put a warm heat wrap on your shoulder or neck area. Let the wrap stay there for about 10 minutes and then shut your eyes and rest for some time. After 10 minutes, take off the wrap and massage the area. Do it at least once a day to stop tension in your body. Watch funny shows: As always, laughter is the best medicine, and when you feel stressed, laughter helps a lot. Check your favorite TV shows. You might be missing out on the latest episodes, and now is your chance to catch up. If you don't want to watch TV shows, find other ways to lighten your mood. Chatting with someone who can give you a smile is also a great idea. Clean up: Some people hate cleaning the house, but for others, it is a way of releasing stress. Perhaps, it will help if you spend time cleaning up your place. Aside from enabling you to relax, it also keeps your surroundings clean. You can even feel more relaxed if you have a lovely environment. Shop online: Take time to shop without leaving home. There are a lot of online stores for you to purchase almost anything you want. If you need new furniture at home, you can check out furniture on credit online. Compare the choices and find something that fits your home perfectly. Shopping is therapeutic, and if you are a shopaholic, you need a few minutes of shopping time in your life. The goal is to help you deal with stress. It does not require you to leave home to relax. With these activities you can do at home, you can soon say goodbye to stress. Read Also: Unhealthy And Healthy Solutions For Coping With Stress Bed Time Yoga To Sleep Well

Benzodiazepine Addiction

You Know Suffering from a Benzodiazepine Addiction?

We hear a lot about drug abuse in the news, especially when it comes to opioids and painkillers. But, benzodiazepine abuse and addiction have also increased in recent years. In 2015, there were more than 8,000 benzodiazepine-related deaths. Death and serious complications rarely result from benzodiazepine use alone. In most addiction and overdose cases, other drugs are also involved -- usually opiates. Whether alone or with other drugs, benzodiazepine abuse exists, and it is dangerous. Are you wondering whether someone you know is suffering from benzodiazepine addiction? We can guide you through recognizing the addiction and offering support. Read on for answers to your questions benzodiazepines and addiction. What is a Benzodiazepine? A benzodiazepine is a sedative drug. Doctors prescribe benzodiazepines - also known as benzos - to help relieve symptoms of anxiety. The drugs can also help with seizures, muscle spasms, and even alcohol withdrawal. Benzodiazepines were actually introduced to replace dangerous barbiturates. When people began abusing barbituates, benzodiazepines like Xanax, Valium, and Ativan came along. Unfortunately, people started to abuse these drugs as well. What are Symptoms of Benzodiazepine Addiction? Benzos work by depressing the central nervous system. This makes users feel sedated and relaxed. Over time, people may become tolerant and need higher doses, and then develop a dependence. Chronic use of benzodiazepines can have long-term effects on physical and mental health. Dependent users may have gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal issues. They may show symptoms of depression or suicidal behavior. Someone addicted to benzodiazepines may feel drowsy and dizzy. They may seem confused, have poor concentration, and slurred speech. If they overdose, they can become unresponsive to the point of a coma. What are the Behavioral Warning Signs of Abuse? Like other drug and alcohol abuse, benzo abuse may result in behavioral symptoms. People close to the addict will notice these changes. Substance abuse often shifts personal traits. An addict may withdraw from friends and family. They may skirt responsibilities. Addicts are often secretive about their schedules. To keep a high volume of their drug on hand, addicts often "doctor shop." They will get prescriptions from different doctors and fill them at different pharmacies. They may also borrow or steal money to pay for their drugs. How Can Benzodiazepine Addicts Recover? Often times the hardest step to recovery is to admit the problem. Once an addict recognizes they have a drug issue, they may be willing to get help from friends and family. They'll need outpatient care from a doctor or at a treatment center like Inspire Malibu. To prevent withdrawal and seizers, the reduction of benzodiazepines will be gradual. This method offers more promising results than quitting cold turkey. It's also advised to see a psychiatrist throughout recovery and even after. How Can Former Addicts Stay Clean and Healthy? Doctors encourage recovering addicts, including those suffering from a benzodiazepine addiction, to adopt healthy lifestyles to help prevent relapses. This includes healthy eating, exercise, and other positive habits. You can learn more about healthy lifestyle habits on our blog. Read about things to help reduce stress, unhealthy foods to avoid, and more. Or, browse for more information on addiction and recovery. We have tips on staging interventions, information about outpatient treatment, and other topics. Read Also: Cannabis Can Help In The Fight Against Drug Addiction Is Outpatient Treatment For Drug And Alcohol Addiction Effective?


Cannabis can Help in the Fight Against Drug Addiction

The substances contained in cannabis can help those who are addicted to hard drugs to quit their addiction. The first signals about the effects of cannabis on addiction to one form of cocaine appeared relatively early, more than 30 years ago. Dealers smoked it along with cannabis to avoid addiction. Although cannabis is also can be addictive, addiction to rapid-acting crack is much faster and much more serious in effect. Just a dozen or so minutes after firing one dose there is an irresistible desire for another... and another... and the next one... pushing the smoker crack to behave dangerously for himself and others, Risky sexual behavior, the tendency to violence and breaking the law are typical. Tolerance is developing rapidly: crack cocaine addiction requires more and more doses. In addition to acute symptoms such as high blood pressure, heart rate and temperature, nausea, seizures, hallucinations, panic and paranoia, the body can also be destroyed over time, cognitive decline, persistent psychotic conditions, depression, destruction of teeth, lips and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, myocardial infarction or stroke. Research indicates that of the 122 identified cocaine users who want to throw cocaine in this form, they started to take cannabis. In an average of 30 months, these people had 89% more chance to reduce their crack intake compared to the time they did not take cannabis. It also seemed that cannabis made it easier for them to stop using this form of cocaine altogether or to maintain this decision. Without cannabis, only 11% of people managed to stop without cocaine. However, when they used it, crack was not needed by 28%. Although the experiment did not meet the conditions for a clinical trial, its results were considered by specialists to be very intriguing. Animal studies suggest that Cannabidiol (CBD) that’s in the cannabis flowers in various concentrations is the most promising. You can buy it even in countries where Cannabis is still completely illegal, like Poland. It’s sold in form of oils, liquids, chewing gums etc. It has a lot of medical potentials, it can help in depression and many other medical conditions. But most importantly, It is likely to have an impact on the reward system in the brain, reducing the pleasant sensations associated with certain drugs. In rats, this has been proven to be possible. Animal tests show that THC also reduces opiate dependence. THC, the psychoactive component of marijuana, injected into the blood of heroin and morphine-dependent rats, restores the chemical balance in their brains. As a result, rats treated with THC when they were young were deprived of the consequences of using much stronger and more harmful drugs in adulthood. Young rats, taken away from their mothers just after birth, were given powerful doses of THC. Deprived of maternal care, they have undeveloped brains. Neural nets are less developed and rats become more addicted. The effectiveness of THC injections has been proven in such animals. Although in theory, they should become more addicted, the "treatment" with THC resulted in the fact that although they were given morphine and heroin, the addiction did not occur. Scientists hope that this unusual discovery will help create an alternative drug addiction treatment for drug addicts. It is difficult to predict whether, in the future, the social priorities so far regarded as priorities, or whether medical considerations will prevail, and cannabis-based preparations will go to pharmacies. This discovery can be extremely helpful with the recent opioid epidemic in the United States, where doctors prescribed opiates (powerful and very addictive painkillers) to almost everyone, and as a result, Donald Trump had to call it a state of a national emergency. Read Also: Why Cannabis Is Good For Health? Is Outpatient Treatment For Drug And Alcohol Addiction Effective?

Healthy Fit

Ways to Stay Fit and Healthy in Your Senior Years

As you get up there in age it can be even more important to stay active and healthy. The key to a longer life is to keep active and not be sedentary all the time. Eating healthy can be a huge contributor as well. There are simple things you can do to help achieve this that are actually fun too. Clean Eating It all starts with your diet. You don’t need to be on some special fade diet. However, you do need to watch what you eat. One of the first things you should do is take in more liquids. Some seniors may have to force themselves to drink more water than usual. Planning out your meals ahead of time can really help you stay healthy. Most people end up in the fast food trap because they lack planning. When it’s dinner time they simply drive to the nearest drive-thru restaurant. Avoid this and do some meal planning. In the long run, it’s not only healthier it’s cheaper. Our last healthy eating tip is to reduce the amount of sugar intake. Sure, it can be easy to pull out the ice cream at night and have a bowl or two. But sugar turns into fat and can lead to an increase in health dangers. Instead of that sugary snack replace it with fruit or even a sugar-free snack. Protein is very important for the body as it gives you the energy and will help you feel fuller throughout the day. Lots of seniors overlook how much protein they take in. Cut down on the carbs and plan out a diet that is higher in protein.  Some of the foods with the highest protein are eggs, chicken, turkey, cottage cheese, steak, beans, and nuts. Exercising Getting on an exercise routine can be hard. Our suggestion is to make it fun and social.  Does your community have a walking group? If so this can be a great way to get outside and make a new friend while doing it. Some seniors enjoy golf. Some might think riding in a golf cart isn’t much on an exercise but that’s not true. You can’t ride everywhere on a golf course and although it’s not constant you are walking and often times up and down hills. Golf can be an enjoyable game that takes out the fact that you are actually exercising. Swimming is hands down one of the best exercises you can do. It essentially works the majority of your muscles and gets your heart rate up. The best part about swimming is you can go at your own pace.  Get tired? No problem get out and lay in the sun for a bit. When you are rested up to go back in the water for a few more laps. Take the grandkids to the park. What kids don’t love going to the park? Grab a basketball or a soccer ball and take the grandkids out. Sure, you might not be running around playing soccer with them the entire time but you can play some. The point is you need to get out of the house and gets some miles under those legs. You don’t have to overdo it but just work on being more active and have some fun doing it. Read Also : More Than Just A Fad: The Benefits Of Going Gluten-Free Health Benefits Drinking Less Soda Health Benefits Of The Amber Teething Necklace


The Role of Peptides for Bodybuilding and Fat Burning

Steroid such as peptides is commonly used in bodybuilding. If it is the first time for you to Buy Peptides UK, you need to learn about this. You have to learn about what kind of product it is, the benefits, and the way to use it for bodybuilding. What Peptides Is Actually, you have natural peptides in the body. This compound is made of less than 50 amino acids. Peptides are different from proteins because protein has more than 50 amino acids. One of the functions of this natural compound is used to produce GH or Growth Hormone. On the other hand, you can increase the level by using manufactured peptides or eating some foods which contain them. The Benefits of Using Peptides Peptides are commonly used by bodybuilders to improve their growth hormones. Peptides come from several types one of which is a BPC 157. Taking and following the right guide to BPC 157 dosage you will surely experience fast healing of wounds and growth development hormones. As the result, you will have more lean muscle mass. The bigger the level of Human Growth Hormone you have, the bigger your muscle mass. This compound is not only used to achieve bigger muscle mass but also to make your muscle stronger than before. Some bodybuilders are used peptides is because this compound helps you to recover fast after the workout. It works by supporting enough oxygen to your muscle cells. Another benefit of using this compound is that bodybuilders can improve their endurance. One of the purposes of workouts is to burn fat and peptides help to burn fats faster. This is also the reason why peptides are not only used by bodybuilders but also by athletes. The Way to Use Peptides So, how do the bodybuilders use peptides to get bigger and stronger muscle mass? Manufactured peptides are made in the form of powder. You have to mix it with sterilized water or bacteriostatic water before using it. The mixture is injected into your body and you have to be carefully done it, especially if you want to inject it by yourself. You have to make sure that the compound doesn’t strike your vital blood vessel. It is important to follow strictly the dose and instructions while using this product. You are not to use too much of it due to its side effects. You only need to inject the product not more than 1 mg per day. The compound is safe or well-tolerated by the human organism and it doesn’t trigger allergy or bad tolerance. The key is to know the right time to stop using it because long-term use might trigger side effects. The Rule of Using Peptides The most important question is related to the rule of using peptides. Some of the peptides are illegal and the rest of them are legal and even they are approved by FDA. Lipotropin is one of the legal peptides commonly used to treat obesity problems and build body muscle mass. The main function of this compound is to reduce fat and its effects on your body. People use it because the compound doesn’t give any side effects on blood sugar and also insulin resistance. On the other hand, this compound helps to repair cartilage and muscle faster so you can recover quickly after your workout. Due to its approval, you can easily Get growth hormones in the UK nowadays. Read Also: Resistance Bands: The Best Tool For Your Home Gym